1. Which of the following is not a fibrotic effect of radiationXerostomiaTrismusVelopharyngeal incompetenceDysphagiaQuestion 1 of 20 2. If your film-based radiographs start coming out too light, it may be that the ______.Fixer needs changingDeveloper needs changingExposure time is too longDeveloper is too hotQuestion 2 of 20 3. It is generally desirable that x-ray films be all of the following exceptCoated with emulsion on both sidesSensitive to visible lightHigh speedFine grain sizeQuestion 3 of 20 4. Oxygen deficient cells areRadiosensitive tissueRadioresistantNo effect of oxygen levelAnticollagenase activityQuestion 4 of 20 5. Which of the following statements about obtaining the most geometrically accurate image is false?The object-to-film distance should be short.The central ray should be parallel to the object.The film should be parallel to the object.The central ray should be perpendicular to the film.Question 5 of 20 6. half value layer refers tothe rate at which an x ray photon transfer its energy to irradiated matterthe thickness of a substance required to reduce the number of x ray photons by halfthe heel effect seen when the anode is placed at an angle to the electron stream in the x ray cathode tubethe time taken for x ray photons to travel half of the distance from the source to the objectQuestion 6 of 20 7. Machine A has FOV(field of view) of 6-12 inches,while machine B has FOV of 1.6 to 3.1 inches. Which CBCT machine will produce higher resolution image and deliver less radiationMachine AMachine BFOV does not matterBoth will give same resolution of imageQuestion 7 of 20 8. which of the following is most valuable in determining x ray beam qualitypeak kilovoltage with added filtrationspectral distribution of photon energieseffective photon energyhomogeneity cofficientQuestion 8 of 20 9. which is the best method to reduce radiation exposure to patient during a full mouth seriesUse of F speed filmsUse of E speed filmsSubstitute a panaromic image for the full mouth seriesuse of digital imagingQuestion 9 of 20 10. Foreshorting where the teeth appear too short is caused by:Beam not aimed at the center of the filmToo much vertical angulationIncorrect horizontal angulationToo little vertical angulationQuestion 10 of 20 11. which layer of epithelium of oral mucous membrane is more sensitive to radiationstratum corneumstratum spinosumstratum basalestratum granulosumQuestion 11 of 20 12. A 40 year old male got a blow to angle of mandible but remained asymptomatic.Radiographic examination shows a radioopaque line in the concerned area with a sharp undercut at the lower border of mandible.It may beoverlapping signsutural diasthetsisseparation signnon union signQuestion 12 of 20 13. which of the following restorative material is the most radiolucentmethylmethacrylatezinc oxide eugenolgutta perchaporcelainQuestion 13 of 20 14. Radiograph of a tooth shows appearance of a halo around the root.It may be indicative ofWidening of the periodontal ligamentHorizontal root fractureRoot cariesPeriapical periostitisQuestion 14 of 20 15. MRI sequence used to assess soft tissue pathology inT1 WT2 WProton densityEither T1 or T2Question 15 of 20 16. The term ALARA refers toReducing patient exposure to as low as is reasonably achievableAs little as Roentgen allowed, an algorithm for limiting patient exposureOptimizing image qualityA legal requirement to optimize occupational exposure in dental radiologyQuestion 16 of 20 17. ossifying fibroma manifest asmultilocular radiolucencymultilocular radiooacityunilocular opacityunilocular radiolucencyQuestion 17 of 20 18. The unit for measuring the absorption of x-rays is called:RADRoentgenQFREMQuestion 18 of 20 19. digital radiography differs from conventional inradiation receptors are differentrays other than x rays are usedno hard copy is formedx rays not usedQuestion 19 of 20 20. The radiosensitivity of cells depends on ____.Mitotic activityDegree of differentiationAll of the aboveMitotic futureQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...