1. In an epidemiological study, the first case which comes to the attention of the investigator isSecondary caseReference casePrimary caseIndex caseQuestion 1 of 20 2. According to ESI Act 1948, Which of the following is trueCentral government to pay 1/8th of the bill while the ESI would pay 7/8thEmployee has to contribute 4.75% and employer contributes 8.75%Person with daily wage of Rs. 70/- would contribute RS.300/- to ESI monthlyFuneral benefit is Rs. 50,000Question 2 of 20 3. Meta-analysis is helpful in dentistry to:Guide statistical testing for clinical proceduresDefine who is at risk of diseaseDecreases publication biasProvide quantitative summary measure from many studiesQuestion 3 of 20 4. Test used to represent difference in heights of students in two different classes in schoolPaired T testChi squareUnpaired t testANOVAQuestion 4 of 20 5. When chlorate in water starts to disappear and free chlorine starts to appear, it is calledFlow pointBreak pointEnd pointScreen pointQuestion 5 of 20 6. Education of young children in school about the harmful effects of soft foods leading to caries is done to prevent dental caries. What is this type of prevention calledSecondaryEducational interventionPrimary preventionTertiary preventionQuestion 6 of 20 7. Which of these is a parametric testT-TestWilcoxon signed rank TestChi-Square TestMann-Whitney U TestQuestion 7 of 20 8. Plastic wrapper of surgical syringe should be discarded in:Red bagYellow bagBlack bagBlueQuestion 8 of 20 9. Which of the following has got the highest fluoride content:Acidulated Phosphate fluorideFluorprotectorDuraphatCasein phosphopeptideQuestion 9 of 20 10. Anti-Rabies vaccine is not indicated in:Rat biteMonkey biteDog biteCat biteQuestion 10 of 20 11. Specificity of a test measures:False positivesFalse negativesTrue negativesTrue positivesQuestion 11 of 20 12. Which epidemiological study gives the most accurate result?Cohort studyRandomized control trial with double blindingMeta analysisCross-sectional studyQuestion 12 of 20 13. Reliability of a screening test refers to:Depends on knowledge of the observerAccurately measures what it is supposed to measureThe extent to which the observer can go in finding the resultGives same values even on repeated testingQuestion 13 of 20 14. Change in event with respect to time is best depicted byBar diagramDot diagramLine diagramPie chartQuestion 14 of 20 15. Sputum can be disinfected by all except:BoilingCresolChlorhexidineAutoclavingQuestion 15 of 20 16. Which of the following is cariogenicFluorideSeleniumStrontiumMolybdenumQuestion 16 of 20 17. Yellow bag used for disposal ofNon-contaminated waste which can be incineratedContaminated waste which cannot be incineratedSharps & needlesContaminated waste which can be incineratedQuestion 17 of 20 18. A pregnant lady uses fluoridated drinking water. All of the following are true regarding exposure of the fetus to fluoride except:Placenta acts as a regulator and reduces the concentration of fluoride reaching the fetusPlacenta acts as a regulator and increases the concentration of fluoride reaching the fetusPlacenta has no role in fluoride regulation to fetusPlacenta acts as a barrier to fluoride ionsQuestion 18 of 20 19. Dentist act was passed in1956194219501945Question 19 of 20 20. In patients of leprosy, Lepromin test is used for:DiagnosisEpidemiological investigationsPrognosisTreatmentQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...