1. A test comes negative but the disease was present in subject. This isTrue positiveFalse negativeFalse positiveTrue negativeQuestion 1 of 20 2. EnameloplastyFissures are broadened and made self-cleansable1/4 of enamel is removed1/2 of enamel is removed1/3 of enamel is removedQuestion 2 of 20 3. If mean is less than the median, than the data is said to bePositively skewedEquitable distributionNormal distributionNegatively skewedQuestion 3 of 20 4. A Dental health survey in a community helps to establish what type of needs of the population:Normative needsFelt needsExpressed needsPerceived needsQuestion 4 of 20 5. Common to both acute and chronic malnutrition isHeight for ageBMIWeight for ageWeight for heightQuestion 5 of 20 6. New auxiliary types TechnotherapistFrontier auxiliariesDental hygienist with expanded dutiesDental licentiate, dental aideQuestion 6 of 20 7. Comparing means of 3 different groups or datasets is best done by using:t testChi square testKruskal wallisOne-way ANOVAQuestion 7 of 20 8. What of the following is the best method to measure the degree to which two variables move together in a distributionVarianceCorrelation coefficientCovarianceCertainty equivalentQuestion 8 of 20 9. In patients of leprosy, Lepromin test is used for:TreatmentEpidemiological investigationsDiagnosisPrognosisQuestion 9 of 20 10. Integrated child development Scheme (ICDS) in India comes under:Ministry of Human resource and developmentMinistry of women and child developmentMinistry of Home affairsMinistry of health and family welfareQuestion 10 of 20 11. According to ESI Act 1948, Which of the following is trueFuneral benefit is Rs. 50,000Person with daily wage of Rs. 70/- would contribute RS.300/- to ESI monthlyEmployee has to contribute 4.75% and employer contributes 8.75%Central government to pay 1/8th of the bill while the ESI would pay 7/8thQuestion 11 of 20 12. Iceberg phenomenon differentiatesApparent & inapparentCases & carriersSymptomatic & asymptomaticDiagnosed and undiagnosedQuestion 12 of 20 13. Care indexratio of denture users to non-denture usersratio of filled teeth to teeth presentratio of missing teeth to healthy teethno. of filled teeth per personQuestion 13 of 20 14. Saliva contains which of the following acts as defence mechanism for prevention of dental cariesLactoferrinLysozymeAll of the aboveLactoperoxidaseQuestion 14 of 20 15. A data is arranged as satisfied, very satisfied, and dissatisfied This is aNormal dataRatio dataInterval dataOrdinal dataQuestion 15 of 20 16. In Salivary reductase test, slightly conducive caries activity in represented as which colourBlueOrchidPinkRedQuestion 16 of 20 17. In a normal distribution, 99.73% of the population is covered within how many SD4123Question 17 of 20 18. According to concept of primary health centre hilly areas cover a population of20000-1000005000030000Question 18 of 20 19. Study carried out among children of around 12yr age group in an orphan house with less carbohydrate diet isTurku studyHopewood house studyTristan da CunhaVipeholm studyQuestion 19 of 20 20. Which one of the following is a good index of the severity of an acute disease?Cause specific death rate.Five year survival.Case fatality rate.Standardized mortality ratio.Question 20 of 20 Loading...