1. In patients wearing complete dentures, the most frequent cause of tooth contact (clicking) during speaking isnervous tension.excessive occlusal vertical dimension.incorrect centric relation position.lack of vertical overlap.Question 1 of 20 2. The process by which one part of the RPD opposes the action of retainer in function is calledReciprocationRetentionStabilisationSupportQuestion 2 of 20 3. If deflective contact occurs on balancing side. What is to be grinded in mandibular posterior teeth:Facial incline of lingual cuspLingual incline oflingual cuspLingual incline of facial cuspFacial incline of facial cuspQuestion 3 of 20 4. For a maxillary overdenture implant prosthesis, the minimum interarch space is:12mm10mm14mm20mmQuestion 4 of 20 5. Maximum permissible convergence of long axis of tilted abutments for giving a fixed partial denture20 to 2510 to 1515 to 2025 to 30Question 5 of 20 6. Arcon articulator is used over non arcon due to?The condyle angle does not change with opening and closing of mouthCondylar guidance angle and occlusal plane relationship not affectedThe condyle angle changes with opening and closing of mouthNone of the aboveQuestion 6 of 20 7. Hybrid denture isRemovable denture which gains stability and support from both soft and hard tissues of the mouthDenture supported by implant, tooth, and ,hard and soft tissues of mouth within the physiologic limitDenture supported by one part which is fixed in the mouth while the other part is removable, supported by soft and hard tissues of the mouthRemovable denture which gains support from hard tissues of the mouth onlyQuestion 7 of 20 8. Where would you place the proximal margin of a partial venner ceramic crownDepends on morphologyLingual to contact areaCervical to contact areaBuccal to contact areaQuestion 8 of 20 9. Mediolateral curve isReverse curveBennett curveWilson curveCurve of speeQuestion 9 of 20 10. All of the following statements concerning pontics are true EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?the portion of the pontic approximating the ridge should be as concave as possiblethe contour and nature of the pontic contact with the ridge is very importantthe area of contact between the pontic and the ridge should be smallwith regard to the ease of cleaning and good tissue health; proper pontic design is more important than the choice of material used in fabricating the ponticQuestion 10 of 20 11. cheek biting in dentures is caused bysteep corpus agle in posteriorincreased occlusal vertical dimensionreduced horizontal overlap of posteriorsdecreased pad coverageQuestion 11 of 20 12. The highest force exerted during occlusion occurs when a dental implant opposes:dental implantfixed prosthesisremovable denturenatural teethQuestion 12 of 20 13. Strongest major connector isSingle palatal barSingle palatal strapDouble palatal barDouble palatal strapQuestion 13 of 20 14. denture stability refers to resistance of a dentureto move in vertical dimension towards basal seatagainst any kind of movement more than 25um in any directionto move on its tissues foundation especially to lateral forcesto move in vertical direction away from basal seatQuestion 14 of 20 15. According to the ADA classification for alloy systems used for metalceramic restorations, noble alloys:have a noble metal content of > 60%a noble metal content of > 25%have a noble metal content of > 45%have a noble metal content of > 15%Question 15 of 20 16. Nontraumatic extraction followed by implant stabilization in the extraction socket is commonly achieved over:the coronal half of the socketapical half of the socket the last 3 mm of the implant apical regionthe last 5 mm of the implant apical regionQuestion 16 of 20 17. Dimension of external hex of implant9mm3mm7mm6mmQuestion 17 of 20 18. Bilabials are produced in?Resting positionNone of aboveOccluding positionBetween resting and occluding positionQuestion 18 of 20 19. During construction of immediate complete denture procedure, the sequence of steps isImmediate complete denture is never made instead immediate RPD is made for anteriorsExtraction of posterior teeth first, preparing denture and extraction of anteriors at the time of denture insertionExtraction of anterior teeth first, preparing denture and extraction of posterior teeth at time of denture insertionExtraction of all teeth prior to fabrication of dentureQuestion 19 of 20 20. post insertion occlusal correction of a complete denture is best done bystatic transfer of occlusal records to articulator and alancingusing previous articulator mountings for occlusal grindingtransfer to articulator with new interocclusal records and balancinguse of a 3 pin articulatorQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...