1. On recall visit of a CD patient, he complaints of sharp pain on the edentulous ridge, O/E there is a clean white area on the ridge.Treatment isRoughened the corresponding area of the dentureApply tissue conditionerAdjust occlusionSmoothen the acrylic nodule on the dentureQuestion 1 of 20 2. Prosthesis in which only one side of pontic is attached to a retainer is called as:Removable partial dentureSimple fixed partial dentureCantilever fixed partial denturePin-ledge restorationQuestion 2 of 20 3. The distobuccal border of the maxillary denture is formed byCoronoid processPterygomaxillary notchVestibular depthmaxillary tuberosityQuestion 3 of 20 4. the amount of reduction required for a tooth for all metal crown restoration isso that the tooth architecture interfere with the arc of rotationat least 2 m on all the surfacesso that the tooth architechture dosent interfere with arch of rotationso that there is proper clearance between the teethQuestion 4 of 20 5. cheek biting in dentures is caused byincreased occlusal vertical dimensiondecreased pad coveragereduced horizontal overlap of posteriorssteep corpus agle in posteriorQuestion 5 of 20 6. When designing a removable partial denture, changing the tilt of the cast on the surveyor alters thethe direction of forces applied to the partial denture.the position of the survey line on the cast.path of insertion of the planned removable partial denture.the undercut and non-undercut areas.Question 6 of 20 7. Advocate for extracting teeth and placing implants when all of the following are true except:cost to maintain the toothloss of functionpoor oral hygiene patientpoor tooth prognosisQuestion 7 of 20 8. Key in non-rigid connector is placed on?Distal part of abutmentMesial part of abutmentMesial part of ponticDistal part of ponticQuestion 8 of 20 9. Pressure necrosis usually occurs when the implant is placed:in narrow bone ridgein dense hard bonewith angulationin soft boneQuestion 9 of 20 10. While selecting overdenture abutment, preference is given toSubmerged rootsAnterior abutmentsPosterior abutmentsThere is no reason for any preferencesQuestion 10 of 20 11. Major connector of RPD should beAble to function as stess breakerAble to act as indirect retainerAble to function as direct retainerRigid to connect bilateral components of RPDQuestion 11 of 20 12. The most important objective of occlusal adjustment of a natural dentition is toachieve a more favorable direction and distribution of forces of occlusion.increase the shearing action in mastication.improve oral hygiene by preventing food impaction.prevent temporomandibular joint syndrome.Question 12 of 20 13. When border molding a mandibular custom tray that will be used for a final denture impression, the distolingual extension is limited by the acton ofBuccinatorMassaterSuperior constrictorLateral pterygoidQuestion 13 of 20 14. True regarding relief at the incised papilla during denture fabrication isShould be relieved only when it is on the crest of the ridge because pressure on it would compress the nasopalatine nerves and vesselsShould be relieved in every case as the incisive foramen is encircled by an annulus of sharp bony projectionRoutine relief to prevent impinging on the nasopalatine nerves and vesselsRelief not requiredQuestion 14 of 20 15. A black gutta percha is a thermoplastic impression material which is used for recording impressions forOver denturesIntraoral defectsPartial denturesComplete denturesQuestion 15 of 20 16. While recording mandibular impression, what is recorded when patient is asked to close the mouth and dentist exerts downward pressureRetromylohyoid fossaLingual flangeRetromolar padMasseteric notchQuestion 16 of 20 17. In removable partial denture design, the surface of the abutment tooth most often altered to provide clasp reciprocity isbuccal.occlusal.distal.lingualQuestion 17 of 20 18. In removable partial denture position of finish line is affected byPosition of minor connectorType of minor connectorDirect retainerMajor connectorQuestion 18 of 20 19. which of the following conditions is not associated with the fully edentulous stateDecrease in masticatory function.Rheumatoid arthritis.Residual ridge reduction.Altered taste perception.Question 19 of 20 20. To identify mobile implants at the abutment connection using a reverse- torque test, the force should not exceed:5 Ncm25Ncm10 Ncm20NcmQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...