1. post insertion occlusal correction of a complete denture is best done byuse of a 3 pin articulatortransfer to articulator with new interocclusal records and balancingstatic transfer of occlusal records to articulator and alancingusing previous articulator mountings for occlusal grindingQuestion 1 of 20 2. ideal site for implant placement in a completely edentulous mandiblebuccal shelf area because it is most ideally suited for loading1st molar region bilaterallyinterforaminal regionretromolar pad area because it is resistant to ResorptionQuestion 2 of 20 3. only pure hinge movements of mandible occur atcentric relationterminal hinge positionlateral excursioncentric occlusionQuestion 3 of 20 4. Permissive splint givesGroup function in both CR and eccentric movementsUniform contact in CRM canine guided in lateral excursionsUniform contact of all teeth in all positionGroup function in CR and canine guided in eccentric movementsQuestion 4 of 20 5. Gypsum bonded investment material can be used for:dowel cores to be cast in silver-palladium alloystype IV gold alloysthe substructure for metal ceramic crownstitanium crowns and copingsQuestion 5 of 20 6. In class II removable partial denture and with opposing natural dentition, occlusion is given byUnilateral group functionBilaterally balancedNone of the aboveAs in natural dentitionQuestion 6 of 20 7. A reverse 3/4 crown is most frequently fabricated for a:maxillary premolarmandibular molarmandibular premolarmaxillary molarQuestion 7 of 20 8. Dicor porcelain should be subjected. To14 hour firing sequence11 hour firing sequence5 hour firing sequence8 hour firing sequenceQuestion 8 of 20 9. which of the following is wrong about taking protrusive record 6 mm forward to centric relationbeyond 6 millimetre the condyles will be positioned too anteriorly resulting in a reduction of the horizontal angle while programming the articulatornone of the abovethe normal function performed an individual with the jaw will be within 6 millimetrearticulator will be optimally sensitive to be programmed for then horizontal angle and the Bennett angle only at 6 millimetre distance or aboveQuestion 9 of 20 10. When treatment planning for fixed prosthodontics, which of the following information can be obtained by studying diagnostic casts exceptthe length of the abutment teeth can be accurately gaugedthe crown-to-root ratio of potential abutment teeththe true inclination of the abutment teeth will be evidentmesial/distal drifting, rotation, and faciolingual displacement of potential abutment teeth can be clearly seenQuestion 10 of 20 11. to replace a missing canine the best pontic design issanitaryridge lap ovoidmodified ridge lapQuestion 11 of 20 12. The recommended incisal reduction for metal-ceramic crown is4mm3mm2mm1mmQuestion 12 of 20 13. A mandibular central incisor is to be extracted and added to a partial denture. The impression to add a tooth to the denture should be madeafter the extraction with the denture in the mouth and pouring the impression leaving the denture in the impressionbefore the extraction with the denture in the mouth, removing the denture from the impression then pouring the impressionafter the extraction without the denture in the mouth.after the extraction with the denture in the mouth, removing the denture from the impression then pouring the impression.Question 13 of 20 14. The line drawn through the occlusal rests of two principal abutments issurvey line.terminal line.axis of rotation/fulcrum line.line of greatest torque.Question 14 of 20 15. To record the maximum depression of soft palate, it should be recorded with head at what angle to the floor30 degree60 degreeParalle to the floor90 degreeQuestion 15 of 20 16. The line drawn from the border of ala of nose to the superior border of the ear isOkane's lineFrankfort's lineCampers lineWilli's lineQuestion 16 of 20 17. Soldering flux is composed of all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?boraxsodium pyroboratealumsilicaQuestion 17 of 20 18. Bilabials are produced in?Occluding positionNone of aboveResting positionBetween resting and occluding positionQuestion 18 of 20 19. A patient wearing complete dentures complains of tingling and numbness in the lower lip bilaterally. This is often an indication ofimpingement of denture on the mental nervedefective occlusal contacts.impingement of denture on the mandibular nerve.allergy to denture base material.Question 19 of 20 20. In denture midline relief depend onType of teeth usedResiliency of midline suturePosition of incisive foramenThickness of the palatal mucosaQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...