1. the terminal end of retentive arm of extracoronal retainer is placed atmiddle 3rdocclusal thirdjunction of the middle and gingival 3rd gingival 3rdQuestion 1 of 20 2. Incisal guidance determines?Occlusal planeArticular eminenceCompensating curvesOverjet overbiteQuestion 2 of 20 3. Which of the following removable partial dentures has the LEAST amount of rotation around the fulcrum? Kennedy Class III.Kennedy Class II.Kennedy Class I.none of the aboveQuestion 3 of 20 4. Anterior vibrating line is located onPosterior to fovea palatinaSoft palatal tissueHard palatal tissueEither on soft or hard palatal tissueQuestion 4 of 20 5. When casting conventional gold alloys, which type of investment material is used?gypsum-bonded investmentssilica-bonded investmentsphosphate-bonded investmentsNone of the aboveQuestion 5 of 20 6. Stability in RPD is best contributed byUsing anatomical ponticsReciprocal armHarmonious occlusionRetentive armQuestion 6 of 20 7. The lateral forces induced by cantilever prosthesis may lead toDrifting of the abutmentRotation of the abutmentTipping of the abutmentAll of the aboveQuestion 7 of 20 8. Minimum mesiodistal space for the placement of two standard size [ 4.0mm] implants should be8mm20mm14mm10mmQuestion 8 of 20 9. Which of the following best describes "strain hardening" or "work hardening"?hardening (or deformation) of a metal at a very high temperaturesoftening a metal by controlled heating and coolinghardening (or deformation) of a metal at room temperaturesoftening a metal at room temperatureQuestion 9 of 20 10. Compared to a set of opposing complete dentures, a maxillary denture opposing a full complement of natural teeth is more often associated withless denture tooth wear.improved retention of the denture.greater incidence of denture fracture.improved stability of the denture.Question 10 of 20 11. 2 months after wearing a newly formed mandibular denture, patient returns with complaint of redness and erythema on the lingual side of the alveolar ridge from canine to canine. The denture fitting seems good.What will you do?Relining the dentureRemounting and occlusal equilibrationShorten the lingual flangeFabricate a new dentureQuestion 11 of 20 12. In centric occlusion , the cusp tip of maxillary canine occludes withThe incisal embrasure of canine premolarDistal marginal ridge of canineFacial embrasure of canine-premolarMesial marginal ridge of first premolarQuestion 12 of 20 13. in a totally edentulous patient with maxillectomy defect the facial artery myomucosal flap(FAMM), is indicated inanterior border of anterior defectposterior border of anterior defectlateral border of defectcentre of the defectQuestion 13 of 20 14. Function of the deep fibres of masseterAll of the aboveOpening of mandibleRetrusion of protruded mandibleElevation of mandible with other group musclesQuestion 14 of 20 15. Fischer angle is recorded in which plane?Vertical planeSagittal planeHorizontal planeFrontal planeQuestion 15 of 20 16. Arcon articulator is used over non arcon due to?The condyle angle does not change with opening and closing of mouthNone of the aboveThe condyle angle changes with opening and closing of mouthCondylar guidance angle and occlusal plane relationship not affectedQuestion 16 of 20 17. denture stability refers to resistance of a dentureto move in vertical dimension towards basal seatto move on its tissues foundation especially to lateral forcesagainst any kind of movement more than 25um in any directionto move in vertical direction away from basal seatQuestion 17 of 20 18. the most suitable margin for porcelain crown ischamferdepends upon operators choiceshoulder with bevelshoulderQuestion 18 of 20 19. If deflective contact occurs on balancing side. What is to be grinded in mandibular posterior teeth:Lingual incline oflingual cuspFacial incline of facial cuspFacial incline of lingual cuspLingual incline of facial cuspQuestion 19 of 20 20. The path of insertion of RPD is guided byGuiding planesall of the aboveRetentive areasAll undercut areasQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...