1. which of the following conditions is not associated with the fully edentulous stateDecrease in masticatory function.Altered taste perception.Residual ridge reduction.Rheumatoid arthritis.Question 1 of 20 2. In a bilateral distal extension situation,all of the following clasps used engage undercut close to the edentulous area exceptCombination claspReverse circletBar claspEmbrassure claspQuestion 2 of 20 3. In centric occlusion , the cusp tip of maxillary canine occludes withMesial marginal ridge of first premolarFacial embrasure of canine-premolarDistal marginal ridge of canineThe incisal embrasure of canine premolarQuestion 3 of 20 4. Kennedy class IV situation is defined asSingle edentulous space anterior to remaining teeth but not crossing the midlineSingle bilateral edentulous dpace posterior to remaining natural teethSingle bilateral edentulous space anterior to remaining natural teeth crossing the midlineTwo edentulous spaces one posterior to remaining natural teeth and other in between the remaining natural teethQuestion 4 of 20 5. Most esthetic pontic isOvate ponticConical ponticSpheroidal ponticModified ridge lap ponticQuestion 5 of 20 6. According to Siebert's classification, class I type of residual ridge defromity isLoss of faciolingual widthLoss of ridge height with normal ridge widthnone of the aboveLoss of bothQuestion 6 of 20 7. the first step in major connector construction ismaking the outline of strap linedesign of stress bearing areaselection of strap typedesign of non stress bearing areaQuestion 7 of 20 8. The angulation of occlusal rest seat to the minor connector from which originates is<45 degree angle90 degrees<90 degree angle>90 degree angleQuestion 8 of 20 9. Finish line on the buccal supragingival margin for a porcelain fused to metal(PFM) crown on a maxillary first molarSloping shoulderShoulder with bevelDeep chamferShoulderQuestion 9 of 20 10. The best way to protect the abutments of a Class I removable partial denture from the negative effects of the additional load applied to them is byplacing distal rests on distal abutments.regular relining of the distal extensions.keeping a light occlusion on the distal extensions.using cast clasps on distal abutments.Question 10 of 20 11. Trubyte tooth indicator determines:Size of toothColour of tooththickness of toothForm of toothQuestion 11 of 20 12. The effectiveness of the indirect retainer will be more when the distance between the fulcrum line and the indirect retainer isLessaveragemoreno effectQuestion 12 of 20 13. the first step in surveying the cast for removable partial denture isestablishment of guiding planeestablishment of undercuts for retentionestablishment of tooth contour for estheticsestablishment of interferences for major connectorQuestion 13 of 20 14. Increase in columella philtrum angle is seen due to:Resorption of bony ridgesImplant supported hybrid dentureMorphologic change seen in edentulous patientCharacteristic of geriatric patientsQuestion 14 of 20 15. Arcon articulator is used over non arcon due to?The condyle angle changes with opening and closing of mouthNone of the aboveThe condyle angle does not change with opening and closing of mouthCondylar guidance angle and occlusal plane relationship not affectedQuestion 15 of 20 16. The custom tray used in making a final complete denture impression mustextend to the bottom of the vestibule.be stored in water until ready for use.have a horizontal handle.create adequate space for the impression material.Question 16 of 20 17. Kennedy bar connector is a type ofLingual barLingual plateDouble lingual barLabial barQuestion 17 of 20 18. Maximum permissible convergence of long axis of tilted abutments for giving a fixed partial denture10 to 1515 to 2020 to 2525 to 30Question 18 of 20 19. Pivoting movement better resisted by a tooth preparation if:Do not depend on diameter of toothDiameter is largeDiameter is large and length is smallDiameter is.smallerQuestion 19 of 20 20. it is better to reduce any occlusal deformities in the existing dentition before the fabrication of a FPD asto prevent the duplication of the deflective occlusal contact in the new restorationto decrease the amount of adjustment required at the post insertion phaseto maintain a more accurate anatomical occlusal surface in the new restorationto prevent trauma to rest of the dentitionQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...