1. Totally tooth supported prosthesis isclass-II partial dentureclass-IV partial dentureclass-I partial dentureclass-III partial dentureQuestion 1 of 20 2. According to the ADA classification for alloy systems used for metalceramic restorations, noble alloys:have a noble metal content of > 15%have a noble metal content of > 45%have a noble metal content of > 60%a noble metal content of > 25%Question 2 of 20 3. Movement of removable partial denture , around an imaginary vertical axis is stopped byMajor connectorMinor connectorOcclusal restDirect retainerQuestion 3 of 20 4. The tooth preparation for a porcelain veneer must create a/anspace for an appropriate thickness of the veneering material.rough surface for improved bonding.definite finish line.margin well below the gingival crest.Question 4 of 20 5. Pleasure curve?Curve of speeCurve of WilsonAnti monson curveCurve of monsoonQuestion 5 of 20 6. In RPD indirect retainers should be placedAre not necessary if direct retainers are givenOn opposite side of the fulcrum line of the denture base and much away from the direct retainerIn line with the direct retainers and close to the direct retainerOpposite side of the fulcrum line of denture base close to the direct retainerQuestion 6 of 20 7. Major drawback of metal denture base:Difficult to relineAcrylic does not bind to itCan cause injury to soft tissueIncreased weightQuestion 7 of 20 8. a gnatho dynameter is used to recordvertical dimensionFH planecentric relationbiting forceQuestion 8 of 20 9. The absolute maximum number of posterior teeth that can be safely replaced with a fixed bridge isthreefouronetwoQuestion 9 of 20 10. Nesbit prosthesis?Bilateral removable prosthesisAcrylic prosthesisUnilateral partial removable dental prosthesisFixed prosthesisQuestion 10 of 20 11. Most common Non rigid type of connector in FPD:Welded connectorTenon mortiseCastable connectorSoldered connectorQuestion 11 of 20 12. Periodontal health of the gingival tissues is a major concern when planning any fixed prosthodontic treatment. For optimum periodontal health, restoration finish lines should be:as far as possible subgingivally into the attachment apparatusterminated at the free gingival marginwithin the sulcus at least 1.0 mm and away from the free gingival margin without encroaching on the biologic widthsupragingival whenever possible (at least 0.5 mm from the free gingival margin) to allow for hygienic cleansingQuestion 12 of 20 13. Post palatal seal providesSupportRetentionResistanceStabilizationQuestion 13 of 20 14. In centric occlusion , the cusp tip of maxillary canine occludes withFacial embrasure of canine-premolarThe incisal embrasure of canine premolarDistal marginal ridge of canineMesial marginal ridge of first premolarQuestion 14 of 20 15. In comparison to gold alloys, base metal alloy removable partial denture frameworks can be madewith greater casting accuracymore ductile.Lightermore corrosion resistant.Question 15 of 20 16. Bilabials are produced in?Resting positionBetween resting and occluding positionNone of aboveOccluding positionQuestion 16 of 20 17. All new dentures should be revaluated24 hours after delivery3 hours after delivery48 hours after delivery12 hours after deliveryQuestion 17 of 20 18. Fischer angle is recorded in which plane?Frontal planeSagittal planeHorizontal planeVertical planeQuestion 18 of 20 19. Acceptable marginal fit for single casting200 microns300 microns100 microns400 micronsQuestion 19 of 20 20. Rapid prototyping which is true?Photopolymer Resin cures with laserPowder by fused deposition modellingSelective laser sinteringAll of aboveQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...