1. Which sounds help determine the labiolingual position of the anterior teethLinguoalveolus sounds or sibilants(such as s, z , sh and ch)Fricatives or labiodental sounds(such as f, v or ph)The b, p amd m soundsLinguodental sounds(such as this ,that or those) 2. Labial bar major connector is indicated in all conditions exceptLingually inclined teethLingual tissue undercutLingual tori, which cannot be removedLabially inclined teeth with spacing 3. If deflective contact occurs on balancing side. What is to be grinded in mandibular posterior teeth:Lingual incline of facial cuspFacial incline of lingual cuspLingual incline oflingual cuspFacial incline of facial cusp 4. in case of tongue tie the major connector of choice islingual barcingulum barlinguoplatesublingual bar 5. Kennedy bar connector is a type ofLingual barLingual plateDouble lingual barLabial bar 6. Most frequently used mandibular major connector isLingual barLingual plateDouble lingual barLabial bar 7. Muscle not involved in buccinator mechanismLevator anguli orisOrbiularis orisBuccinatorSuperior constrictor of pharynx 8. Angle between major connector and finish lineless than 90 degreebetween 90 and 180 degree90 degree180-360 degree 9. Disadvantage(s) of the I-bar is/areLess horizontal stabilityLess retentionBoth of the aboveNone of the above 10. Compared to a set of opposing complete dentures, a maxillary denture opposing a full complement of natural teeth is more often associated withless denture tooth wear.greater incidence of denture fracture.improved retention of the denture.improved stability of the denture. 11. The effectiveness of the indirect retainer will be more when the distance between the fulcrum line and the indirect retainer ismoreaverageno effectLess 12. Bennett movement is recorded in?Lateral movementFrontal movementSagittal movementVertical movement 13. A modified hinge non-adjustable articulator is limited in its accuracy to reproduce dynamic jaw movements because it can only reproducelarge centric relation-maximum intercuspation slides.one hinge axis movement.eccentric movements by multiple lateroprotrusive registrations.none of the above 14. A patient of yours walks into your office with the following complaint" when I smile, my upper denture does not hold". Which area of the denture base needs to be adjustedLabial notch and labial flangeBuccal notch and buccal flangePosterior borderDistobuccal flange 15. Embrassure clasp is used inKennedy class 1linear arch formKennedy class 3Kennedy class 4 16. The main disadvantage of combination clasp isIt requires extra steps in lab fabricationIt is prone to breakageit is easily distortedAll of the above 17. arrangement of artificial teethis symmetrical to both sidesis asymmetrically symmetricaldepends on ridge shape and arch formdepends on size and condition of residua ridge 18. The posterior palatal seal for a maxillary dentureis placed 3 mm posterior to the vibrating lineIs not necessary when fabricating a complete denture on a patient with a flat palateis not necessary if a metal base is usedWill vary in outline and depth according to the palatal form of the patient 19. Which of the following is not a type of temporary removable partial dentureInterimTransitionalTreatmentNone of the above 20. What is the most likely cause of a maxillary denture dislodging when the patient opens wide or makes extreme lateral excursions?Insufficient posterior palatal seal.Poor denture base adaptation.Labial frenum impingement.Coronoid process interference. 21. cheek biting in dentures is caused byincreased occlusal vertical dimensionsteep corpus agle in posteriordecreased pad coveragereduced horizontal overlap of posteriors 22. Increased vertical overlap in anterior teeth is compensated by:Increased condylar guidance on articulatorIncreasing curve of SpeeDecreased cuspal inclinationFlattening of curve of Spee 23. beading of the rigid major connector is done toincrease the rigidityproduce a positive contact with the tissueincrease the retention of RPDimprove the esthetics 24. One week after receiving a complete denture a patient returns with an isolated sore spot. The most likely cause isincorrect vertical dimension.localized pressure.an inaccurate centric relation record.decreased tissue tolerance. 25. Status of ridge resorption in a complete denture patient can be judged byincisive papillaRugaeLingual frenumcircumvallate papilla 26. A patient who wears a complete maxillary denture complains of a burning sensation in the palatal area of his/her mouth .This is indicative of too much pressure being exerted by the denture on theIncisive foramenPalatal mucosaHamular notchPosterior palatal seal 27. while setting condylar guidance on a 3 pin articulator the incisal pin isin contact with the guide tableremovedout of contact with the guode tableignore above 28. In a removable partial denture, the major connector should begin 3- 6mm from the free gingival margin in order toimprove phonetics.allow sufficient length for the minor connectors.prevent inflammation of the gingival tissues.prevent rotation of the major connector in an antero-posterior dire 29. A dental laboratory has fabricated a removable partial denture framework. The framework fits the master cast well but when tried in the mouth a stable fit cannot be achieved. The most likely cause isimproper major connector design.distortion in the final impression.shrinkage of the alloy during casting.improper casting temperature. 30. In a patient with new denture, the viscoelastic property of tissue is stated byImmediate recovery of tissues soon after Denture removingSlow recovery of tissues soon after Denture recallingAll of the aboveNone of the above 31. Class -I muscle tone is present in cases withIll-fitting denturesOld denturesimmediate denturesEfficient dentures 32. Bennett movement of non-working condyle occurs around?Horizontal axisVertical axisSagittal axisNone of above 33. True about curve of WilsonHelp to align posterior teeth along the long axis of masseterAlign the posterior teeth along the anteroposterior curveHelps to align teeth in transverse planeAlign each teeth to maximum resistance to functional loading/ Permits protrusive disocclusion of posterior teeth 34. Stability in RPD is best contributed byHarmonious occlusionRetentive armReciprocal armUsing anatomical pontics 35. The property involved when a denture base clasp is adjusted isHardnessProportional limitPercentage elongationElastic limit 36. The primary stress bearing area of the maxillary complete denture is thehard palate.alveolar ridge.soft palate.zygoma. 37. When using fluid wax technique to take impression in RPD,the wax in intimate contact of tissues will showGranular appearanceDull appearanceGlossy appearanceCoarse appearance 38. A sudden butt joint between the impression tray and the fluid wax during recording of PPS indicatesGood tissue contactPoor tissue contactInadquate flow at waxExpired wax 39. the terminal end of retentive arm of extracoronal retainer is placed atgingival 3rdocclusal thirdmiddle 3rdjunction of the middle and gingival 3rd 40. The muscle of the floor of the mouth in the molar region which requires special attention in the final mandibular denture impression is thegenioglossus.geniohyoid.mylohyoid.hyoglossus 41. Principal problem faced when a mandibular complete denture opposes natural dentitionFracture of dentureAbrasion of natural teethAbrasion of artificial teethDifficulty in achieving balanced occlusion 42. When performing a functional analysis of occlusion, the mandible may be observed to exhibit a shift from centric relation to centric occlusion in all but one of the following directionsforward.backward.upward.lateral. 43. Maxillary denture is retained by a thin mm of saliva between tissue and the denture. What is this force called?Force of AdhesionForce of CohesionSurface adherencelnterfacial tension 44. non anatomic teeth are indicated primarily inflat ridgesharp ridgepoor muscular controlwell countered ridge 45. If a complete mandibular denture causes a burning sensation in the premolar region, this is due to the denture exerting pressure in/on thefibres of the buccinator muscle.lingual branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve.underlying bone.mental branch of the inferior alveolar nerve. 46. When making complete dentures, the occlusal plane should be parallel toFH plane onlyCampers plane onlyBoth interpupillary and Campers lineInterpupillary plane only 47. 2 months after wearing a newly formed mandibular denture, patient returns with complaint of redness and erythema on the lingual side of the alveolar ridge from canine to canine. The denture fitting seems good.What will you do?Fabricate a new dentureRemounting and occlusal equilibrationRelining the dentureShorten the lingual flange 48. During construction of immediate complete denture procedure, the sequence of steps isExtraction of all teeth prior to fabrication of dentureImmediate complete denture is never made instead immediate RPD is made for anteriorsExtraction of posterior teeth first, preparing denture and extraction of anteriors at the time of denture insertionExtraction of anterior teeth first, preparing denture and extraction of posterior teeth at time of denture insertion 49. The custom tray used in making a final complete denture impression mustextend to the bottom of the vestibule.create adequate space for the impression material.have a horizontal handle.be stored in water until ready for use. 50. A disadvantage of long span flexible major connector in a partial denture isexcessive forces on residual ridge and periodontal ligament of abutment teethcannot be relinedDecreased stability of prosthesisExcessive forces on residual ridge only 51. the first step in surveying the cast for removable partial denture isestablishment of guiding planeestablishment of undercuts for retentionestablishment of tooth contour for estheticsestablishment of interferences for major connector 52. Tissue reaction that is common due to overextension of labial flanges of complete denture isEpulis granulomaEpulis fissuratumPapillary hyperplasiaPyogenic granuloma 53. Function of the deep fibres of masseterElevation of mandible with other group musclesRetrusion of protruded mandibleOpening of mandibleAll of the above 54. A removable partial denture is preferable to a fixed bridge when theedentulous areas are large.abutment teeth are rotated.abutment teeth are tipped.residual ridges are severely resorbed. 55. In removable partial denture design, the surface of the abutment tooth most often altered to provide clasp reciprocity isdistal.occlusal.buccal.lingual 56. flexibility of the clasp arm isdirectly proportional to the clasp diameterinversely proportional to the length of the claspMore for cast clasp compared to wrought claspInversely proportional to the diameter of the clasp 57. Retention from rugae is a type ofDirect retentionindirect retention.Stress equalizerStress breaker 58. Major drawback of metal denture base:Difficult to relineIncreased weightAcrylic does not bind to itCan cause injury to soft tissue 59. the first step in major connector construction isdesign of stress bearing areadesign of non stress bearing areamaking the outline of strap lineselection of strap type 60. Hybrid denture isDenture supported by implant, tooth, and ,hard and soft tissues of mouth within the physiologic limitDenture supported by one part which is fixed in the mouth while the other part is removable, supported by soft and hard tissues of the mouthRemovable denture which gains stability and support from both soft and hard tissues of the mouthRemovable denture which gains support from hard tissues of the mouth only 61. Fulcrum line passes through which of the following components of partial denture assemblyDenture baseRetentive armRestReciprocal arm 62. The vibrating line of the palatedelineates the movement of the soft palate.is always on the hard palate.is a well-defined line across the palate.is not a useful landmark in complete denture fabrication. 63. Food lodgement beneath the prosthesis is due to:Deflective occlusal contactIncreased flange lengthDecreased flange lengthIncrease in vertical dimension 64. palatopharyngeal Incompetence isdefined as having normal anatomy but ineffective or absent motor functiondefined as inadequate length of soft and hard palate with normal physiologic functiondefined as inadequate length of soft and hard palate with normal physiologic movement of remaining tissuesdefined as having altered anatomy but ineffective or absent motor function 65. the curve which run from anterior to posterior in the natural dentition is calledcurve of von speecurve of monsooncurve of Wilsonpleasure curve 66. Pleasure curve?Curve of speeCurve of monsoonAnti monson curveCurve of Wilson 67. The distobuccal border of the maxillary denture is formed byCoronoid processVestibular depthmaxillary tuberosityPterygomaxillary notch 68. during benett movement or shift of mandiblecondyle of working side exhibit bodily forward movementcondyle of non working side exhibits bodily lateral movementcondyle of working side exhibit bodily lateral movementcondyle of working side exhibit bodily lateral and forward movement 69. During recording jaw relations, protrusive records are useful for establishing:Condylar inclination on working sideCondylar inclination of both sidesRecords centric relationCondylar inclination on balancing side 70. Arcon articulatorCondylar element (CE) and condylar guidance (CG) in upper member onlyCE and CG in upper and lower respectivelyCE and CG in lower and upper member respectivelyCE and CG both in in lower member 71. lingual flange of lower denture isconcaveconvexstraightconvex and is towards the base of tongue 72. A black gutta percha is a thermoplastic impression material which is used for recording impressions forComplete denturesPartial denturesIntraoral defectsOver dentures 73. Totally tooth supported prosthesis isclass-I partial dentureclass-II partial dentureclass-III partial dentureclass-IV partial denture 74. Patient comes with only the first molar in the lower arch, the classification isClass-I Mod1Class-IV Mod-2Class-III Mod-2Class-II Mod-2 75. In kennedy classification, the most common arch isClass-IClass-IIClass-IIIClass-IV 76. Anterior guidance not present in all,exceptClass 3 in which mandibular anterior are ahead of maxillary canineAnterior open bitePosterior open biteAnterior class II with excessive overjet 77. In natural dentition when the anterior teeth are met edge to edge, there is a gap seen in between posterior teeth, this phenomena is known as:Christensen's phenomenaSilverman's phenomenaOkeson's phenon1enaFrush's phenomena 78. Not a sibilant soundchjshn 79. a hinge axis facebow recordscentric relation.lateral condylar inclination.horizontal condylar inclination.opening and closing axis of the mandible 80. only pure hinge movements of mandible occur atcentric occlusioncentric relationlateral excursionterminal hinge position 81. Which of the following are the most appropriate for use as overdenture abutments?Central incisors.Second premolars.Canines.First premolars 82. most common organism responsible for denture stomatitisCandida albicansM. TuberculosisCryptococcusMucor 83. Which is wrong about internal restCan be used in distal extension case like Kennedy class one and twoOcclusion support is derived from the floor of the rest seatHorizontal stabilisation is derived from the near vertical walls of this type of rest seatElimination of visible clasp arms is the main advantage of it 84. The line drawn from the border of ala of nose to the superior border of the ear isCampers lineFrankfort's lineWilli's lineOkane's line 85. Type of joint between major and minor connector in RPDButt jointAcuteObtuseAcrylic forms the joint 86. a gnatho dynameter is used to recordbiting forcecentric relationvertical dimensionFH plane 87. In class II removable partial denture and with opposing natural dentition, occlusion is given byBilaterally balancedAs in natural dentitionUnilateral group functionNone of the above 88. Nesbit prosthesis?Bilateral removable prosthesisFixed prosthesisUnilateral partial removable dental prosthesisAcrylic prosthesis 89. Mediolateral curve isBennett curveCurve of speeWilson curveReverse curve 90. A mandibular central incisor is to be extracted and added to a partial denture. The impression to add a tooth to the denture should be madebefore the extraction with the denture in the mouth, removing the denture from the impression then pouring the impressionafter the extraction without the denture in the mouth.after the extraction with the denture in the mouth and pouring the impression leaving the denture in the impressionafter the extraction with the denture in the mouth, removing the denture from the impression then pouring the impression. 91. In a bilateral distal extension situation,all of the following clasps used engage undercut close to the edentulous area exceptBar claspEmbrassure claspReverse circletCombination clasp 92. facebow is used to transferaxis orbital planefrankfort horizontal planecamper's planeocclusal plane 93. For a patient with complete dentures, insufficient space between the maxillary tuberosity and the retromolar pad will requireavoiding covering the pad with the mandibular base.not covering the tuberosity with the maxillary base.surgically reducing the retromolar pad.surgically reducing the maxillary tuberosity 94. To transfer the axis orbital plane we requireArbitary face BowKinematic face bowEither arbitary or kinematic face bowAn ear bow only 95. Jaw movement in Bennett shiftAnteriorRetrusive movementmediallateral 96. An edentulous patient complains that his denture becomes loose several hours after wearing this indicatesAn improper extension of denture basesDeflective occlusal contactsA high vertical dimensionAn over extended denture flange 97. In a patient with complete dentures, cheek biting may result froman excessive vertical dimension of occlusion.the use of steep-cusped posterior teeth.insufficient coverage of the retromolar pad areas.insufficient horizontal overlap of the posterior teeth. 98. A patient wearing complete dentures complains of tingling and numbness in the lower lip bilaterally. This is often an indication ofallergy to denture base material.impingement of denture on the mandibular nerve.defective occlusal contacts.impingement of denture on the mental nerve 99. The path of insertion of RPD is guided byAll undercut areasRetentive areasGuiding planesall of the above 100. 3rd point facebow transfer along the occlusal plane , aligns the arms of facebow parallel toAla-tragus lineMandibular occlusal planeFrankfort planeTragus-outer canthus Loading...