1. palatopharyngeal Incompetence isdefined as inadequate length of soft and hard palate with normal physiologic movement of remaining tissuesdefined as having normal anatomy but ineffective or absent motor functiondefined as having altered anatomy but ineffective or absent motor functiondefined as inadequate length of soft and hard palate with normal physiologic functionQuestion 1 of 20 2. To identify mobile implants at the abutment connection using a reverse- torque test, the force should not exceed:20Ncm10 Ncm25Ncm5 NcmQuestion 2 of 20 3. The maxillary cast partial denture major connector design with the greatest potential to cause speech problems isan anterior and a posterior bar.a thick narrow major connector.a thin broad palatal strap.narrow horseshoe shaped.Question 3 of 20 4. Mediolateral curve isBennett curveReverse curveWilson curveCurve of speeQuestion 4 of 20 5. The property involved when a denture base clasp is adjusted isProportional limitHardnessElastic limitPercentage elongationQuestion 5 of 20 6. Pleasure curve?Anti monson curveCurve of WilsonCurve of monsoonCurve of speeQuestion 6 of 20 7. Maxillary denture is retained by a thin mm of saliva between tissue and the denture. What is this force called?Force of CohesionSurface adherenceForce of Adhesionlnterfacial tensionQuestion 7 of 20 8. All of the following are relative contraindications for sinus floor elevation except:sinus floor convolutionssinus septumtumortransient mucosa swellingQuestion 8 of 20 9. The first step in recording jaw relationsrecord eccentric relationRecord vertical dimension at restrecord vertical dimension of occlusionRecord protrusive relationQuestion 9 of 20 10. Disadvantage(s) of the I-bar is/areNone of the aboveBoth of the aboveLess retentionLess horizontal stabilityQuestion 10 of 20 11. The best way to protect the abutments of a Class I removable partial denture from the negative effects of the additional load applied to them is byusing cast clasps on distal abutments.placing distal rests on distal abutments.regular relining of the distal extensions.keeping a light occlusion on the distal extensions.Question 11 of 20 12. When border molding a mandibular custom tray that will be used for a final denture impression, the distolingual extension is limited by the acton ofSuperior constrictorMassaterBuccinatorLateral pterygoidQuestion 12 of 20 13. Minimum bone required for implant placement is10mm vertical and 4 mm horizontal6mm vertical and 8 mm horizontal10mm vertical and 6 mm horizontal10 mm horizontal and 6 mm verticalQuestion 13 of 20 14. Role of surgical template guide for implantPrepare surgical site for implantImplant parallelismImplant stabilityImplant placementQuestion 14 of 20 15. Kennedy applegate classification of partially edentulous arch does not allow consideration ofDifferentiation between tooth borne and tooth tissue supportedVisualizationLength of the edentulous spacesUniversal acceptanceQuestion 15 of 20 16. Dimension of external hex of implant6mm9mm7mm3mmQuestion 16 of 20 17. Which luting agent (cement) has the lowest solubility?glass ionomerzinc polycarboxylateresin-modified glass ionomerzinc phosphateQuestion 17 of 20 18. Stability in RPD is best contributed byHarmonious occlusionUsing anatomical ponticsReciprocal armRetentive armQuestion 18 of 20 19. True regarding internal rests all exceptprovide horizontal stabilisationProvide vertical stopact as occlusal restsProvide retentionQuestion 19 of 20 20. What is the general rule for sprue pin diameter when using a centrifugal type of casting machine?the diameter of the sprue pin should be equal to or greater than the thinnest portion of the patternthe diameter of the sprue pin should be equal to or smaller than the thinnest portion of the patternthe diameter of the sprue pin should be equal to or smaller than the thickest portion of the patternthe diameter of the sprue pin should be equal to or greater than the thickest portion of the patternQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...