1. Comprehensive school based dental care for whole country is adopted by
2. Immunity that is conferred to the foetus by transfer of IgG and IgA antibodies is called as
3. A patient has Hemoglobin of 6 gm%. Which of the following should not be administered:
4. Caisson disease
5. Which of the following soft tissues of the oro facial region mature first:
6. The crowns of all 20 primary teeth begin to calcify between:
7. With incresed age and irritation which form of dentin is laid down
8. Aminoglycosides cause all of the following except
9. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) and acute herpetic gingivostomatitis can be differentiated clinically by (the)
10. Which of the following is evident on the radiograph
11. Sickle cell anaemia is caused due to:
12. Alkaptonuria an inherited metabolic disorder is due to defiiciency of
13. Styloglossus action is:
14. Pulse rate in infant is normally:
15. Which of the following muscles adducts the vocal cords?
16. Identify the salivary gland tumor which has marked tendency to spread through perineural spaces
17. Wernicke's area is associated with:
18. Vertical dimension at rest can be defined as
19. When a calcified root canal cannot be located or instrumented
20. Pentameric structure:
21. A previously well-controlled periodontal patient now demonstrates the presence of bleeding in 60% of sites and significantly increased probing depths. The patient has most likely developed
22. Elevation of glucose by corticosteroids is counteracted by insulin is an example
23. True about carbamoyl phosphate synthase
24. You are instrumenting a canal with a size 30, 25 mm k-type file. What does each of the sizes denote, respectively?
25. Cubital tunnel syndrome occurs due to compression of which structure:
26. Oronasal intubation is not indicated in:
27. All are of adult size at birth except
28. The term "balanced anaesthesia" has been given by
29. Which of these is not a part of ethmoid bone
30. Best view for horizontally favourable and unfavourable angle fracture:
31. Excessive bleeding occurring during oral surgery can be minimized by maintaining the patient at
32. Identify the clasp assembly seen in the image
33. Which of the following is evident on the radiograph
34. The major objectives of access preparation include all of the following except which one?
35. Mother of a child is worried about green stains on the recently erupted upper anterior teeth of her child. The stains are most probably due to:
36. Which articulator is based on arbitary theories of motion
37. Buprenorphine is
38. Which of the following is the normal arrangement of lingual nerve and vessels in the tongue from medial to lateral?
39. Which of the following is a cause of delayed healing of a fracture:
40. The most common pathogens responsible for nosocomial pneumonias in the ICU are
41. Hemolytic Streptococci can cause serious cross infections in hospital settings. These bacteria usually harbor which site in health workers working in the hospitals:
42. Which is the earliest symptom of Parkinsonism
43. Methemoglobinemia true is:
44. Which of the following movements are performed by a non-working condyle
45. Krebs cycle does not occur in
46. Microorganisms associated with periodontal health are all of the following, EXCEPT:
47. A facebow is used to record the
48. In cardio pulmonary resuscitation chest compressions are done:
49. nickel is added to wrought gold alloys as
50. which of the following bacteria do not invade host tissue cell
51. Rancid butter smelling of urine is seen in
52. Exclusive of third molars, the permanent dentition is usually completely erupted by the age of
53. Which of the following is not true when fixing the matrix band for filling a Class 2 cavity with amalgam? The matrix band should
54. The auriculotemporal nerve encircles which of the following vessels?
55. In which part of oral cavity mucous menbrane is the thinnest
56. A lady with an Infant reported to clinic with the complaint of white teeth like structure, at the level of gingiva in mandibular anterior region. What should dentist do?
57. Neonatal teeth are
58. Diameter of adult tooth brush range
59. Which of the following is most likely to decrease in skeletal muscles during exercise?
60. which of the following is used to detect the chromosomal differences between neoplastic cells and their normal counterparts
61. Morphine a powerful opioid analgesic drug shuld be avoided in all of the following conditions except
62. After spleenectomy patient becomes more prone to
63. Most common cause of seizures in a patient of AIDS is
64. NSAID given in once daily dose is
65. The type of bone present in the labial anterior teeth is
66. Facial index of 85.6% means:
67. Medial squint occurs due to lesion of:
68. Most common tumour of mandible in India is:
69. Angulation of needle during suturing as the needle enters the tissue:
70. The number of branches of the internal carotid artery in neck is /are :-
71. Which of the following is not a technique for protein precipitation
72. Which of the following statement(s) is(are) true regarding treatment of a tooth presenting with a sinus tract?
73. Most common relationship of the primary molars in deciduous dentition:
74. The hypercalcification lines that separate lamellae of cellular cementum from that of acellular cementum are known as
75. At what age the calcification of deciduous teeth starts
76. Candida albicans causes all of the following except
77. Modes of attachment of calculus to the tooth surface include all of the following, EXCEPT
78. A light bluish dome shaped lesion on the inside lip of a 2 yr old child is mostly
79. A general anesthetic should not be used for an elective surgical procedure in a patient with less than:
80. Which of the following is the best indication for transfer of maternal blood components to an infant:
81. In an Angle Class I occlusion, which cusp of which permanent tooth moves between the mesiolingual and distolingual cusps of the mandibular second molar in a working side movement?
82. Which of the following orthognathic surgery is shown in picture
83. Most common form of brain herniation is
84. Infection of dangerous area of face leads to
85. Which of the following nutrients are not included in Total Parental Nutrition
86. Local anesthetics stop axonal conduction by blocking:
87. Maxillary sinus is seen in
88. A divided pulp canal is most likely to occur in the
89. In an ideal Class I occlusion, the cusp of which mandibular tooth is in contact with the central fossa of the maxillary second molar?
90. Most commonly used blade for oral cavity:
91. JAK-STAT kinase receptors is associated with
92. Possible etiology of internal resorption:
93. "Classical phenyl ketonuria" is caused by deficiency of
94. Suture with least adhesion to tissues and high plasticity is:
95. Space for eruption of permanent mandibular molars is created by
96. An ovoid radiolucency found located in the inferior border of posterior mandible region, which contains salivary gland tissue is
97. The propylene glycol in IV valium can cause:
98. All of the following are morphological neurological complication of measles except
99. Recently two methods of cPAP: conventional and bubble cPAP were compared. In the conventional method, 90 out of 160 showed extubation failure while 40 out of 160 showed extubation failure in the bubble method. Which test would be the best to compare the statistical significance between the rates of extubation failure in the two tests
100. A 6 year old patient reports with greenish blue swelling distal to deciduous 2nd molar. Treatment would be:
101. True regarding Non accidental traumatic fractures all except:
102. In the maxilla the molar tooth germs develop, with their occlusal surfaces facing first
103. Distal part of the impacted third molar is covered by ascending ramus. What is the classification
104. Type 1 muscle fibres are
105. Most of the drug resistance occurs due to
106. Virus is usually cultured in:
107. All of the following statements about pain are correct except
108. With advancing age pattern of bone resorption in mandible becomes:
109. Antibody to HSV will begin to appear
110. If gold content of the alloy decreases:
111. Cardiac arrythmias are most commonly seen during administration of
112. Beta subunit of insulin receptor binds to
113. The most common congenitally missing primary tooth is the:
114. In the clotting process, as the hemostatic plug develops, fibrin polymerizes into monomeric threads that are held together by noncovalent bonds. Which clotting protein increases the strength of the clot by cross-linking the newly formed fibrin threads?
115. a patient sustains an injury to mandible. Which is the best projection for evaluation of the condylar neck and ramus area
116. an Angle Class I occlusion, the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar occludes with
117. Which one of the following is a good index of the severity of an acute disease?
118. Snow man appearance or figure of 8 appearance is seen in
119. Widest spectrum aminoglycoside is
120. In an infant, the gum pad is separated from palate by:
121. Which of the following bacteria are most commonly associated with pregnancy associated gingivitis?
122. Nerve supply to musculature of tongue is:
123. A patient complaints of multiple episodes of blood stained vomits .On examination, he has a saddle nose and typical strawberry gingivitis. what is the probable diagnosis?
124. During inferior alveolar nerve block, the needle is located in:
125. ehler danlos syndrome is
126. The most common pathway of glycolysis
127. Dontrix gauze is used to:
128. What type of movement is shown here?

129. Hallucinations are seen after following anaesthesia
130. Which of the following test is used to compare the chromosomes between normal and neoplastic cells or for detecting genetic transfer of disease:
131. the correctly placed posterior palatal seal creates
132. True about hemorrhage
133. Polyglycolic acid suture is:
134. Diabetic patient with periodontitis have significantly higher level of ______________ in GCF
135. Antrum of highmore' is nother name of
136. 2% solution of copper sulphate followed by sodium bicarbonate application is needed for treating
137. Second gas effect is exerted by which of the following gas when coadministered with halothane
138. In an edentulous maxilla, the direction of resorption of the alveolar ridge is
139. Which index correlates the maturational status of a tooth to its developmental stage:
140. Vertical food Impaction can be due to all except
141. Which tooth is the only anterior tooth in either dentition to have a shorter inciso-cervical height than the mesio-distal width?
142. Sulphonamides act by
143. Most common presentation of extrapulmonary TB
144. While obturation selection of master cone is based on:
145. Young's modulus is defined as:
146. Stage of surgical anesthesia during ether administration is
147. All of the following statements concerning teratology or teratogens are true, except:
148. Effects associated with cold working i.e lowered ductility and distorted grains can be eliminated by process known as
149. Pleoniorphic' shape of bacteria signifies:
150. Maximum amount of air that can be inhaled:
151. In the drawing below, which area stabilizes the clamp to the tooth.
152. Right 12th nerve damage leads to
153. Which one of the following skeletal muscle relaxants causes pain on injection
154. The dentogingival unit is composed of
155. replacing alanine by which amino acid will increase UV absorption of protein at 280um wavelength
156. EB virus is associated with which carcinoma:
157. Co-factor for phosphofructokinase is
158. Which of the following has a non odontogenic origin
159. All of the following statements are true except:
160. the most important bufer system in the saliva is
161. ____ is degraded by Streptococcus mutans into ____ and ___ , thereby causing caries initiation and progression.
162. The procedure shown in the picture is
163. Direction of the enamel rods in the deciduous and permanent teeth is
164. Which of the following is evident on the radiograph
165. Which of the following regions of the nephron is capable of the greatest level of sodium reabsorption?
166. Best test to evaluate syphilis after treatment is
167. which of the following is the least radiosensitive tissues
168. Proper radiographic infection control includes all of the following except one. Which one is the exception?
169. Maxillary cast is attached to articulator by:
170. Killer and Helper cells are part of:
171. nikolsky sign is not seen in
172. Which of the following statements is true regarding the choice between doing a composite or amalgam restoration?
173. Heparin is secreted by:
174. A trauma patient with bleeding in emergency is not able to maintain tongue position voluntarilyThe tongue is best managed by
175. Which of the following is found in the respiratory zone of the lung?
176. When permanent maxillary lateral incisors are congenitally missing, the permanent canine may often erupt:
177. In which surveyor,spring mounted horizontal arm is seen
178. Most common site of zygomatic arch fracture is
179. When making a diagnosis as to the vitality of a tooth, you employ the electric pulp tester. You obtain a measurement that suggests the tooth is necrotic. With this information alone, you can determine that:
180. During a surgical procedure, cranial nerves IX and X are accidentally cut bilaterally. What would be the immediate change in the patient's hemodynamic condition?
181. Which hormone increases the gingival vascular permeability and increases chances of gingival disease caused by infective micro-organisms
182. Which of these amino acids does not enter the krebs cycle by forming Acetyl-CoA via pyruvate
183. dental impression compound is characterised by having a
184. Dental plaque contains
185. A patient with hereditary fructose intolerance is deficient in which of the following enzymes
186. Insulin does not facilitate glucose uptake in the following except
187. Kennedy applegate classification of partially edentulous arch does not allow consideration of
188. For a dental hand instrument with a formula of 10-8.5-8, the number 10 refers to _____.
189. iron deficiency anemia shows
190. Which vitamin is essential for metabolism of sulphur containing amino acids
191. The picture below shows which of the following combination of orthognathic surgeries
192. Which of the following is the most accurate to measure the height of the floor of the mouth?
193. RPI clasp in a distal extension cast partial denture
194. Cabbage-like odour is seen in
195. Primary teeth are lighter than permanent teeth because
196. Pyruvate kinase is inhibited by
197. Appliance shown in the picture is used for breaking which habit
198. Diagnodent is based on the
199. An overextended distobuccal corner of a mandibular denture will push against which muscle during function
200. In Steiner's analysis, SNA is 82 degrees. This indicates:
201. Iron is absorbed from
202. the heat treatment of soaking the alloy at a high temp to produce a solid solution followed by quenching is known as
203. an epidemiological index with a true biological gradient is
204. impression material of choice in patients with submucous fibrosis is
205. True about charge in amino acid
206. hydroxylation of phenylalanine to tyrosine requires
207. A Common site for intramuscular injection in adults:
208. dental plaster powder and dental stone powder differ mainly in
209. When making a diagnosis, the primary goal of your diagnostic tests is to reproduce the chief complaint. You test the suspected tooth for percussion sensitivity and palpation sensitivity. Your positive percussion findings can be interpreted as follows:
210. Least diffusible ion among following
211. Diamonds remove tooth structure more efficiently than steel burs, but they leave undesirably rough surfaces and irregular cavosurface finish lines.
212. Not a part of RED complex:
213. Lactate is formed in all except
214. The blood in vessels normally doesn't clot because:
215. Receptor for inverse Stretch reflex
216. A patient has recurrent attacks of asthma that occur most frequently after aspirin administration. Which of the following is the pathogenetic mechanism in this form of asthma?
217. Multiple drug resistance is transferred through
218. Increasing urine flow rate from 1 mL/min to 10 mL/min will significantly increase the clearance of
219. Which of the following serves as a principal source of carbon for nonessential amino acids
220. Mean respiratory rate in different kind of smokers and nonsmokers, categorized as four categories mild, moderate, heavy and nonsmoker. test used to assess the means between them -
221. Tanaka Johnson analysis uses width of which teeth to estimate the width of maxillary canine and premolars:
222. According to Cron, the tooth starts erupting after
223. Maxillary 1st molar cusp used in Angle classification
224. Leeway space is due to
225. A patient walks into your office for an emergency visit. He asks the receptionist for a cold glass of water and seems to be tilting his head sideways as to hold the water on one side of his mouth. Immediately, you suspect which reason for his visit?
226. Bacterial enzyme which causes inactivation of allergy mediating immunoglobulin
227. Toxoids are
228. Osteotomes differ from chisels In that they are
229. Dilatation of the pupil In head injury is due to
230. Actinomycosis is sensitive to
231. Which projection is best for examining zygomatic arch fractures?
232. A patient had come with a painful ulcerated lesion on the lip along with enlarged lymph nodes.He was diagnosed with syphilis.Which stage of syphilis is he in
233. Which of the following is not true for lidocaine
234. A Path finder survey for oral health needs to be done at 12 sites for 4 index age groups at each site. What should be the sample size for the survey
235. Statins are used for cholesterol reduction, It antagonises HMG COA reductase. What kind of inhibition is seen
236. which of the following is required for conversion of prothombin to thrombin
237. What role do the lungs play in the pathogenesis of systemic hypertension?
238. Which of the following lung volumes or capacities cannot be measured directly using simple spirometry?
239. Following is added to zinc polycarboxylate to improve its manageability:
240. A major difference between total-etch and selfetching primer dentin bonding systems include all of the following except _____.
241. Not an extrinsic membrane of larynx
242. type of collagen present in hyaline cartilage is