1. Which of the following does not occur as the blood passes through systemic capillaries Shift of haemoglobin dissociation curve to left increased protein content Increased hematocrit Decreased pH 2. Which of the following substances will be elevated in the plasma of a patient with nephrotic syndrome caused by membranous glomerulonephritis? Glucose Cholesterol Ammonia Albumin 3. maximum pressure in left ventricle is seen in which phase of cardiac cycle Protodiastole Isovolumetric contraction Rapid ventricular filling Ventricular ejection 4. C ‘wave in JVP is due to Bulging of tricuspid valve into the right atrium Atrial contraction Atrial filling with tricuspid valves closed Rapid right ventricular filling 5. Least conduction velocity is seen in Purkinje fibres AV node Bundle of Hiss Ventricular myocardial fibres 6. bile acid pool circulates twice between meals 4 times per meal 8 times per day 10 times per day on fasting 7. Best test for GFR is with Inulin Creatinine PAH Hippuric acid 8. Pulmonary circulation is characterised by Vasoconstriction in response to hypercapnia vasoconstriction in response to hypoxia vasodilation in response to hypoxia Resistance is greater than systemic circulation 9. Spirometry can demonstrate and measure all of the following except Vital capacity Inspiratory reserve capacity Tidal volume Residual volume 10. Which of the following substances is likely to be present in significant amounts in urine that has a stable, frothy, white foam on top? Blood Bilirubin Protein Ketones 11. Lewis tripple response is mediated by None of the above histamine Injury to endothelium Axon reflex 12. Which of the following can be determined by calculation of the clearance of paraaminohippuric acid (PAH)? Plasma volume Effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) Extracellular fluid (ECF) volume 13. The resultant decrease in blood flow causes by partial obstruction of the renal artery by an atherosclerotic plaque increases release of an enzyme from which of the following structures? Juxtaglomerular cells Afferent arterioles Kupffer cells Arcuate arteries 14. Increasing urine flow rate from 1 mL/min to 10 mL/min will significantly increase the clearance of urea penicillin inulin creatinine 15. Which of the following regions of the nephron is capable of the greatest level of sodium reabsorption? Distal convoluted tubule Collecting duct Proximal convoluted tubule Thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle 16. Which of the following lung volumes or capacities cannot be measured directly using simple spirometry? Inspiratory reserve volume Functional residual capacity Tidal volume Expiratory reserve volume 17. which of the following is not a physioogical method of heat loss from the body sweating vasodilation posture peripheral vasoconstriction 18. baroreceptor are located in Tunica advantita None Tunica media Tunica intima 19. Transpulmonary pressure is Pleural pressure plus alveolar pressure none of the above Pleural pressure minus alveolar pressure Alveolar pressure minus pleural pressure 20. Goblet cells secrete HCL Mucus Serotonin pepsin Loading … Question 1 of 20