1. Ringer lactate contains all except


2. Dicrotic notch is caused by


3. The clearance of several substances was measured at a constant glomerular filtration rate and constant urine flow rate, but at increasing plasma concentrations of the substance. Under these conditions, clearance will increase at high plasma concentrations for which of the following substances?


4. Which of the following urinary constituents is probably present in abnormally high concentration and accounts for bubbles in the urine and generalized edema, especially noticeable in dependent regions and under the eyes?


5. which of the following is not a primary taste


6. Under normal conditions, the main drive for respiration is the


7. normal anion gap is (in mEq/l)


8. which of the following is the active form of calcium in circulation


9. A newborn infant has multiple hemorrhages. Clotting studies demonstrate an elevated prothrombin time and elevated INR. An abnormality of which of the following biochemical processes is likely present in this patient?


10. maximum water reabsorption in the GIT occurs in


11. baroreceptor are located in


12. capacitance of sperms take place in


13. Which of the following methods is used for calculation of anatomical dead space


14. Pulmonary circulation is characterised by


15. During normal diastole, which of the following is most important in preventing over- distension of the ventricles?


16. Salivary amylase is activated by


17. difference between stem cells and progenitor cells is


18. Compensation for high altitude will result in which of the following physiologic changes?


19. GFR measurement help in determining


20. ST segment of ECG corresponds to


Question 1 of 20