1. maximum postprandial motility is seen in


2. Which of the following indices would be expected to be decreased in a kidney donor after full recovery from the removal of the kidney?


3. The oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve is sigmoid because


4. bile acid pool circulates


5. Best test for GFR is with


6. which of the following is required for conversion of prothombin to thrombin


7. an important non respiratory function of lungs is


8. A student volunteers to have his lung volumes and capacities measured. He is instructed to breathe several times until the helium has equilibrated between the spirometer and his lungs, and then exhale as much air as he possibly can. Calculations are made to determine the amount of air remaining in his lungs, which is called the


9. The clearance of several substances was measured at a constant glomerular filtration rate and constant urine flow rate, but at increasing plasma concentrations of the substance. Under these conditions, clearance will increase at high plasma concentrations for which of the following substances?


10. Pulmonary function abnormalities in interstitial lung diseases include all of the following except


11. Coronary blood flow regulated by


12. Carbon dioxide is transported in blood by a variety of mechanisms.Which of the following is quantitatively the most important method for transporting CO2?


13. lining cells of bronchi include all of the following except


14. If diameter of a vessel is doubled


15. A dietary deficiency of which of the following is most strongly associated with a neural tube defect at the base of the fetus’s spine?


16. What is the role of the macrophage during antibody formation?


17. Which of the following vascular structures contains the largest proportion of the total blood volume in a normal individual?


18. Most diffusible ion across membrane


19. vagal stimulation of the heart causes


20. all of the following statements about bronchial circulations are true except


Question 1 of 20