1. Windkessel effect in large arteries perform what function


2. Release of neurotransmitter from presynaptic vesicles is an example of


3. Which of the following indices would be expected to be higher in an individual living at sea level versus an individual living in the mountains?


4. which of the following is also known as hemophilia B and has clinical finding identical with hemophilia A


5. The blood from an 8-year-old boy was analyzed by flow cytometry. The exact number of B cells was counted. Which of the following cell surface markers was likely used to identify the B cells in this blood sample?


6. A decrease in which of the following parameters would tend to increase the glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure?


7. which of the following term describes inadequate oxygen exchange in lungs


8. which one of the following is not seen in humans


9. Which of the following plant components is not fermented by gastrointestinal microorganisms


10. Proximal convoluted tubule have which type of aquaporins


11. If diameter of a vessel is doubled


12. Coronary blood flow regulated by


13. Ringer lactate contains all except


14. Which of the following coagulation factors causes cross linking and stabilisation of clot


15. A patient with severe anemia may have which of the following symptoms?


16. regarding transport of substances through the cell membrane all are true except


17. Which of the following regions of the nephron is capable of the greatest level of sodium reabsorption?


18. Least diffusible ion among following


19. A dietary deficiency of which of the following is most strongly associated with a neural tube defect at the base of the fetus’s spine?


20. The blood within the vessels doesnot clot normally because


Question 1 of 20