1. Lewis tripple response is mediated by


2. Dicrotic notch is caused by


3. not done by insulin


4. Which of the following is decreased as a result of hyperventilation?


5. A patient with severe anemia may have which of the following symptoms?


6. baby can breathe even while suckling because of


7. all are second messengers ecept


8. pulmonary compliance is decreased in all of the following conditions except


9. True about bezold-jarish reflex


10. normal pH of stomach is


11. basal metabolic rate depends most closely on


12. When the pulse is greater than 200/min and the blood pressure is 75/40 mm Hg, what adjustments have probably occurred in the cardiac cycle?


13. Compensation for high altitude will result in which of the following physiologic changes?


14. which of the following is the active form of calcium in circulation


15. The triad of bradycardia, hypertension and irregular respiration is called as


16. Which of the following vascular structures contains the largest proportion of the total blood volume in a normal individual?


17. Which of the following parameters is expected to increase in response to a 50% reduction in sodium intake for a 2-month period?


18. fetal hemoglobin has higher affinity for oxygen due to


19. Salivary amylase is activated by


20. Maximal ventricular Na+ channel conductance occurs during which phase of the ECG?


Question 1 of 20