1. difference between stem cells and progenitor cells is stem cells are only present in bone marrow stem cells can form all hematogenous cell lineages while progenitor cells cannot meiosis is seen in stem cells progenitor cells cant differentiate further while stem cells can 2. nitrogen narcosis is caused due to nitrogen inhibits dismutase enzyme increase production of nitrous oxide increase solubility of nitrogen in nerve cell membrane decrease in oxygen free radicals 3. Which of the following vascular structures contains the largest proportion of the total blood volume in a normal individual? Aorta and large arteries Venules and veins Capillaries Arterioles 4. During normal diastole, which of the following is most important in preventing over- distension of the ventricles? Fibrous pericardium Aortic valve Adjacent lungs Diaphragm 5. In body plethysmography,a person is asked to expire against a closed glottis. What will be the change in the pressure in the lung and the box Increase in both Increase in lung, decrease in box Decrease in lung, increase in box Decrease in both 6. Chemoreceptors are located in which area Medulla Arch of aorta All of the above Bifurcation of carotid artery 7. Release of neurotransmitter from presynaptic vesicles is an example of Simple diffusion Facilitated diffusion Exocytosis Active transport 8. C ‘wave in JVP is due to Bulging of tricuspid valve into the right atrium Rapid right ventricular filling Atrial contraction Atrial filling with tricuspid valves closed 9. Which of the following does not occur as the blood passes through systemic capillaries increased protein content Decreased pH Shift of haemoglobin dissociation curve to left Increased hematocrit 10. The oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve shifts to the left under which of the following circumstances? Decreased pH Increased temperature Carbon monoxide poisoning Increased 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) D. Increased PCO2 11. A patient with severe anemia may have which of the following symptoms? Wide pulse pressure Cyanosis Bradycardia Low stroke volume 12. Peristalsis of ureter depends on parasympathetic flow Sympathetic flow Sympathetic and parasympathetic flow Pacemaker in smooth muscle of renal calyces 13. Which of the following controls the salivary secretion? Secretin CCK Parasympathetic nervous system Gastrin 14. Which of the following indices would be expected to be higher in an individual living at sea level versus an individual living in the mountains? Renal bicarbonate (HCO3-) excretion Diameter of pulmonary vessels Mitochondrial density in a muscle biopsy Erythropoietin production 15. venous return to heart during quiet standing is facilitated by all of the following factors except calf muscle contraction during standing valves in perforators sleeves of deep fascia gravitational increase in arterial pressure 16. Iron is conserved by None Hemopexin Hepicidin Hemimedins 17. Maximal ventricular Na+ channel conductance occurs during which phase of the ECG? ST interval T wave P wave QRS interval 18. Which of the following urinary constituents is probably present in abnormally high concentration and accounts for bubbles in the urine and generalized edema, especially noticeable in dependent regions and under the eyes? Sodium Chloride Glucose Albumin 19. Vagal stimulation of the heart causes decrease in heart rate by Increase in repolarisation Decrease in action potential spike Decrease conduction Decrease in slope of prepotential 20. Function of myenteric plexus is to regulate All of the above Local blood flow GI secretion Motility Loading … Question 1 of 20