1. difference between stem cells and progenitor cells is


2. nitrogen narcosis is caused due to


3. Which of the following vascular structures contains the largest proportion of the total blood volume in a normal individual?


4. During normal diastole, which of the following is most important in preventing over- distension of the ventricles?


5. In body plethysmography,a person is asked to expire against a closed glottis. What will be the change in the pressure in the lung and the box


6. Chemoreceptors are located in which area


7. Release of neurotransmitter from presynaptic vesicles is an example of


8. C ‘wave in JVP is due to


9. Which of the following does not occur as the blood passes through systemic capillaries


10. The oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve shifts to the left under which of the following circumstances?


11. A patient with severe anemia may have which of the following symptoms?


12. Peristalsis of ureter depends on


13. Which of the following controls the salivary secretion?


14. Which of the following indices would be expected to be higher in an individual living at sea level versus an individual living in the mountains?


15. venous return to heart during quiet standing is facilitated by all of the following factors except


16. Iron is conserved by


17. Maximal ventricular Na+ channel conductance occurs during which phase of the ECG?


18. Which of the following urinary constituents is probably present in abnormally high concentration and accounts for bubbles in the urine and generalized edema, especially noticeable in dependent regions and under the eyes?


19. Vagal stimulation of the heart causes decrease in heart rate by


20. Function of myenteric plexus is to regulate


Question 1 of 20