1. Least diffusible ion among following


2. the sigmoid nature of Hb-O2 dissociation curve is because of


3. Cardiac output is increased by all except


4. Goblet cells secrete


5. microvilli in the intestine helps to counteract viral infection by


6. A 60-year-old man presents with signs of hypoxemia due to hypoventilation. Which of the following could be the cause of hypoxemia in this patient?


7. Which of the following is found in the respiratory zone of the lung?


8. Dicrotic notch is caused by


9. In which segment of the systemic circulation does the greatest decrease in blood pressure occur?


10. A patient with severe anemia may have which of the following symptoms?


11. all of the following statements about bronchial circulations are true except


12. During a fast, a brief phase of intense sequential contractions begins in the stomach and gradually migrates to the ileum. Release of which of the following intestinal hormones is most likely responsible for this observed effect?


13. vagal stimulation of the heart causes


14. small airways has laminar air flow because


15. Function of myenteric plexus is to regulate


16. Largest reserve of energy in body stored as


17. An elevated level of which of the following substances would identify a specimen as plasma rather than serum?


18. Which of the following indices would be expected to be decreased in a kidney donor after full recovery from the removal of the kidney?


19. Bile acids are reabsorbed from


20. In anemia, the concentration of 2,3-DPG is


Question 1 of 20