1. Measurement of the blood pressure of a 65-year-old man reveals a systolic pressure of 190 mm Hg and a diastolic pressure of 100 mm Hg. His pulse is 74/min and pulse pressure is 90 mm Hg. A decrease in which of the following is the most likely explanation for the high pulse pressure?


2. sertoli cells play a key role in which of the following process


3. Stability of alveoli is maintained by


4. Which of the following indices would be expected to be higher in an individual living at sea level versus an individual living in the mountains?


5. equilibrum potential for an ion s calculated using


6. All of the following affect resting ventilation except


7. Which of the following regulates the frequency of gastrointestinal slow waves?


8. Which of the following is found in the respiratory zone of the lung?


9. An infant has a coarctation of the aorta that reduces renal blood flow to 50% lower than normal. Which of the following is increased in this infant?


10. Which of the following vascular structures contains the largest proportion of the total blood volume in a normal individual?


11. The resultant decrease in blood flow causes by partial obstruction of the renal artery by an atherosclerotic plaque increases release of an enzyme from which of the following structures?


12. In which segment of the systemic circulation does the greatest decrease in blood pressure occur?


13. Maximal ventricular Na+ channel conductance occurs during which phase of the ECG?


14. Which of the following is most likely to be decreased during resting conditions for a patient that has been severely anemic (Hb = 6.0 g/dL) for several months?


15. Angiotensin II causes all of the following, except


16. the primary action of nitric oxide in the gastrointestinal tract is


17. During normal diastole, which of the following is most important in preventing over- distension of the ventricles?


18. Major initiating response for peristalsis is


19. What is the role of the macrophage during antibody formation?


20. Windkessel effect in large arteries perform what function


Question 1 of 20