1. Most important factor in transport across a membrane


2. Conversion of angiotensin-I to angiotensin-II occurs in


3. Pulmonary function abnormalities in interstitial lung diseases include all of the following except


4. Which of the following membrane has the highest protein content per gram tissue


5. carotid body regulates


6. Which of the following indices would be expected to be higher in an individual living at sea level versus an individual living in the mountains?


7. Lysosomal enzymes are maximally active at


8. An infant has a coarctation of the aorta that reduces renal blood flow to 50% lower than normal. Which of the following is increased in this infant?


9. Constriction of which of the following types of blood vessels is most important for minimizing the decrease in mean systemic filling pressure caused by loss of 1 liter of blood?


10. Which of the following binds to von Willebrand factor at the platelet membrane?


11. baroreceptor are located in


12. Countercurrent mechanism in the kidney is responsible for


13. which of the following is not a primary taste


14. all are second messengers ecept


15. normal pH of stomach is


16. during cardiac imaging the phase of minimum motion of heart is


17. Stability of alveoli is maintained by


18. What is the role of the macrophage during antibody formation?


19. which of the following is the active form of calcium in circulation


20. If diameter of a vessel is doubled


Question 1 of 20