1. A patient comes to you complaining that whenever he takes aspirin for headache, he develops severe shortness of breath. Which of t the following may be partly responsible for this


2. Which of the following can be safely given in a kidney patient


3. Comparison of efficacy of a new drug B with an existing drug A is done in which phase of clinical trials


4. Cyclooxygenase enzyme is not inhibited by


5. Which of these is a selective COX-2 inhibitor:


6. Which of the following drug inhibits cell wall synthesis


7. The plasma half life of aspirin


8. Second generation fluoroquinolones:


9. Use of aspirin in children with viral disease is associated with


10. One of the following is not penicillinase susceptible


11. Drug of choice of malignant hyperthermia


12. Which NSAID undergoes enterohepatic circulation


13. Drug resistance in the mycobacterium tuberculosis to isoniazid is seen due to which of the following:


14. A highly ionised drug


15. One of the following is not an antifungal agent


16. Rofecoxib was withdrawn due to


17. Which of the following antibiotic is used in the treatment of clostridium difficile associated diarrhea


18. Every antibiotic has a mean inhibitory concentration (MIC) for an organism. A drug should be given how many times its mean inhibitory concentration for effective control of infections(prophylaxis) in the head and neck area


19. Local anaesthetic used as an antiarrhythmic agent is


20. Therapeutic index is a measure of


Question 1 of 20