1. 1 ml of a 10% solution of a drug (weight by vol), contains what amount of drug:


2. Which of the following agent causes interstitial nephritis


3. when broad spectrum antibiotics are administered with coumarin anticoagulants, the anticoagulant action may be


4. NSAIDS with least anti-inflammatory action is


5. Hallucinations are seen after following anaesthesia


6. Which of the following is not true for lidocaine


7. Clinically significant drug interaction occurs between pyridoxime and all of the following drugs except


8. Drug of choice in opioid withdrawal:


9. Which of the following antibiotic is bactericidal action


10. Malignant hyperthermia is a rare complication of the use of the following anesthetic


11. Which of the following antitubercular drugs is associated with hypothyroidism


12. Which of the following drugs is widely used in treating opoid dependent individuals


13. Pulmonary fibrosis is seen with


14. In pregnancy, all of the following drugs are contraindicated except


15. 4th generation cephalosporin:


16. Side effect of amphotericin B:


17. Post dural (spinal) puncture headache is due to


18. In steady state model of metabolism A->B->C->D, which of the following is true


19. The plasma half life of aspirin


20. Laudanosine is a metabolite of


Question 1 of 20