1. The therapeutic efficacy of antihypertensive drugs is blunted by NSAIDS because they Cause Sodium excretion Increase the clearance of antihypertensive drugs Decrease the absorption of antihypertensives drugs Decrease the synthesis of vascular prostacyclin 2. True regarding selective COX-2 inhibitors compared to nonselective NSAIDS is: Does not have anti-pyretic effect Equivalent renal toxicity Thromboembolism incidence is decreased Higher incidence of GI bleed 3. Cocaine overdose presents with all of the following except Hypertension Agitation Constricted pupils Diaphoresis 4. Most effective treatment for severe malaria is Artesunate Quinine Primaquine Chloroquine 5. Which of the following is a first generation cephalosporin Cefepime Cefotaxime Cefadroxil Cefoperazone 6. Highest therapeutic index: Penicillin Theophylline Lithium Diuretics 7. A patient comes to you complaining that whenever he takes aspirin for headache, he develops severe shortness of breath. Which of t the following may be partly responsible for this Prostacyclin Thromboxane A2 Prostaglandin E Leukotrienes 8. All of the following are correct statement except PGs and leukotrienes are derived from arachidonic acid COX II is induced by cytokines at the site of inflammation Leukotrienes causes smooth muscle contraction COX I is an inducible enzyme 9. A drug has a half life of 4 hours. If 2 grams of the drug are given every 4 hours, what will be the amount in grams in the body immediately after the third dose 1.5 4 2 3.5 10. A lady taking warfarin ,which drug is contraindicated Fluconazole Amphotericin B Terfenadine Nystatin 11. Dissociative anesthesia is produced by Both (a) and (b) are correct Fentanyl Ketamine Propofol 12. Drug resistance in the mycobacterium tuberculosis to isoniazid is seen due to which of the following: Transduction Mutation Transformation Conjugation 13. Comparison of efficacy of a new drug B with an existing drug A is done in which phase of clinical trials Phase IV Phase I Phase III Phase II 14. A patient on aspirin will have increase in Activated partial thromboplastin time Prothrombin time Clotting time Bleeding time 15. Time dependent killing and prolonged post antibiotic effect is seen with Clindamycin Erythromycin Floroquinolones Beta lactam antibiotics 16. Buprenorphine is Partial agonist None Pure agonist Pure antagonist 17. Most common cause of Mobius syndrome is use of which of the following drug in pregnancy dinoprostone Thalidomide Misoprostol Methotrexate 18. 28 yrs old female on oral contraceptives was given tetracycline for treatment of chronic periodontitis by a dentist. After 2 months she became preganant.What is the reason of contraceptive failure? tetracycline displaces estrogen from plasma protein Tetracycline inhibits enterohepatic circulation causing increased excretion of estrogen Tetracycline induces metabolism of estrogen tetracycline inhibits metabolism of estrogen 19. Aspirin inhibits which of the following enzymes Lioixygenase Phopholipase D Lipoprotein lipase Cyclooxygenase 20. Fluconazole differs from ketaconazole in that It is more potent inhibitor of drug metabolism It is unlikely to produce anti- androgenic side effects It is not active by the oral route It is not effective in cryptococcal meningitis Loading … Question 1 of 20