1. Which of the following drugs has spasmolytic activity and could also be used in the management of seizure casued by overdose of a local anaesthetic Baclofen Tizanidine Dantrolene Diazepam 2. Time dependent killing and prolonged post antibiotic effect is seen with Clindamycin Erythromycin Beta lactam antibiotics Floroquinolones 3. Side effect of amphotericin B: Renal toxicity Seizures Peripheral edema Hepatitis 4. All of the following are drugs causing SLE or SLE like reaction except Sulphonamide Hydralazine Isoniazid Penicillin 5. Two drugs having opposite action on different receptors in which type of antagonism Physical antagonism Non competitive antagonism Physiological antagonism Competitive antagonism 6. Zero order kinetics is shown by all except Methotrexate Ethanol Phenytoin High dose salicyclates 7. Auditory toxicity is maximum with Kanamycin Streptomycin Amikacin Tobramycin 8. Cardiac arrythmias are most commonly seen during administration of Nitrous oxide Halothane Thiopental Ether 9. Which of the following anti inflammatory drug is a COX 2 inhibitor Sulindac Rofecoxib Ketoprofen Aspirin 10. The therapeutic efficacy of antihypertensive drugs is blunted by NSAIDS because they Cause Sodium excretion Increase the clearance of antihypertensive drugs Decrease the absorption of antihypertensives drugs Decrease the synthesis of vascular prostacyclin 11. 28 yrs old female on oral contraceptives was given tetracycline for treatment of chronic periodontitis by a dentist. After 2 months she became preganant.What is the reason of contraceptive failure? tetracycline displaces estrogen from plasma protein Tetracycline inhibits enterohepatic circulation causing increased excretion of estrogen Tetracycline induces metabolism of estrogen tetracycline inhibits metabolism of estrogen 12. Which of the following can be safely given in a kidney patient Ketorolac Fluconazole Acetyl salicylic acid Ibuprofen 13. A distinctive advantage of tetracycline over penicillin is that tetracyclines Have a wider range of antibacteria activity Are safe to use during pregnancy Do not cause super infections Have no side effects 14. Clindamycin acts by inhibiting Inhibition of cell wall synthesis DNA gyrase Protein synthesis Lysosomal enzymes 15. Oral contraceptive (OCP)failure by rifampicin is due to Increased binding of OCPs by rifampicin and reduced free drug concentration Increased chances of ovulation due to rifampicin Decreased absorption of OCPs Increased metabolism of OCPs 16. What is NOT true for selective COX-2 inhibitor is fewer incidence of gastrointestinal side effect safe in patients with renal insufficiency The analgesic and anti-inflammtory effects identical to that of non selective NSAID They donot offer the cardio protective effect 17. The therapeutic advantage that penicillin V has over penicillin G is Broader antibacterial spectrum Greater resistance to penicillinase More reliable oral absorption Slower renal excretion 18. Glucoronidation reaction is a type of: Phase N reaction Phase III reaction Phase II reaction Phase I reaction 19. All are antiplatelet drugs except Warfarin Clopidogrel Dipyridamole Aspirin 20. In which of the following phases of clinical trial of drug ethical clearance is not required Phase III Phase II Phase IV Phase I Loading … Question 1 of 20