1. A patient comes to you complaining that whenever he takes aspirin for headache, he develops severe shortness of breath. Which of t the following may be partly responsible for this


2. The drug which causes intrinsic staining of teeth due to calcium chelation is


3. Which of the following drugs is widely used in treating opoid dependent individuals


4. Use of aspirin in a diabetic patient can result in


5. The plasma half life of aspirin


6. Which of the following action is ascribed to Delta type of opiod receptors


7. which of the NSAID can be used by parenteral route


8. Which of the following cephalosporins can be used in patients with low GFR


9. Which of the following statements is not true regarding sulphonamides


10. Drug resistance in the mycobacterium tuberculosis to isoniazid is seen due to which of the following:


11. Buprenorphine is


12. Phocomelia is best described as


13. Which can be given safely in renal failure


14. Which one of the following agents sensitises the myocardium to catecholamines


15. 5HT1 agonists are used as


16. Drug of choice for pseudomembranous enterocolitis


17. What is NOT true for selective COX-2 inhibitor is


18. Anti inflammatory dose of aspirin is


19. All of the following statements about opioids is correct except


20. During general anesthesia, all of the following should be monitored EXCEPT


Question 1 of 20