1. which of the following most accurately describes how epithelium that is sloughed and lost during a connective tissue graft is replaced by new epithelial growth

Question 1 of 20

2. which probe is used to detect the furcation involvement

Question 2 of 20

3. Selected bacterial properties involved in evasion of host defense mechanisms involve all of the following, EXCEPT:

Question 3 of 20

4. functional integration of the CT graft occurs

Question 4 of 20

5. Spheroiding technique is one of the

Question 5 of 20

6. All of the following are signs of occlusal trauma EXCEPT

Question 6 of 20

7. Technique to evaluate the bone regeneration after periodontal surgery is

Question 7 of 20

8. The interdental col is more prone to periodontal disease because it

Question 8 of 20

9. Stroke used for the removal of both supragingival and subgingival calculus should be

Question 9 of 20

10. All of the following are examples of non eugenol packs except

Question 10 of 20

11. The predominant target cell of HIV is

Question 11 of 20

12. Square knot is composed of

Question 12 of 20

13. a light feeling stroke that is used with probes to evaluate the dimensions of the pocket and to detect calculus and irregularities of the tooth surface is called as

Question 13 of 20

14. the most important bufer system in the saliva is

Question 14 of 20

15. Working time of COE PACK is

Question 15 of 20

16. Which chisel is used in a pulling action(pull stroke)

Question 16 of 20

17. Anti Bone-Resorption factor is

Question 17 of 20

18. acetone odour is diagnostic of

Question 18 of 20

19. Which of the following is contagious?

Question 19 of 20

20. Which of the following cells produce anti- bodies?

Question 20 of 20