1. Non bone graft material includes all of the following exceptcartilageplaster of parisboplantscleraQuestion 1 of 20 2. Microorganisms associated with periodontal health are all of the following, EXCEPT:viscosusP. IntermediaS. SanguisP. gingivalisQuestion 2 of 20 3. The etiologic agent for necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) isfungal.bacterial.viral.protozoan.Question 3 of 20 4. Sulcular epithelium isAll options are wrongNon- permeableSemipermeableHighly permeableQuestion 4 of 20 5. Gene responsible for negative regulation of BMP1 during demineralisation is?NogginsAmelogeninEMDCbfa1Question 5 of 20 6. Anti protease found in saliva isantileucoproteaseall of the aboveTIMP(tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase)CathepsinsQuestion 6 of 20 7. Isolated gingival recession is most frequently seen on teeth that aremobile.labially prominentheavily restored.nonvital.Question 7 of 20 8. Method of determining alcohol abuse isPAGE testAGEtestRAGE testCAGE testQuestion 8 of 20 9. After periodontal flap surgery when is the patient recalled:2 weeks4 months1 week4 weeksQuestion 9 of 20 10. Which of the following brushing techniques is recommended for cleaning in areas with progresive gingival recessionChartersModified stillmanStillman methodBass methodQuestion 10 of 20 11. Trap door technique is used for harvesting what type of graftConnective tissue graftFree gingival graftLateral pedicle graftAccordion techniqueQuestion 11 of 20 12. Screws shaped implant made of commercially pure titanium and applied in two stage surgical procedure is known asIntegral systemIMZ systemITI systemNobelpharma systemQuestion 12 of 20 13. Periodontal surgery including placement of implants is carried out inPhase II therapyPhase 1 therapyPhase IV therapyPhase III therapyQuestion 13 of 20 14. Which pathogen not seen in oral cavity:C albicansEntamoeba histolyticaPorphyromonasEntamoeba gingivalisQuestion 14 of 20 15. High-quality restorations if placed subgingivally will causeAll of the aboveIncreased GCF flowIncrease in plaque formationIncrease in gingival inflammationQuestion 15 of 20 16. Most osteogenic potential:Autogenous cancellous bone graftXenograftAutogenous cortical graftFreeze dried boneQuestion 16 of 20 17. Polymorphisms in which of the following genes have been associated with severe chronic periodontitis?PGE2IL-1TNFIL-6Question 17 of 20 18. Aggressive periodontitis has all of the following features EXCEPTulcerations of the gingiva.specific periodontal microbial pathogens.radiographic evidence of bone loss.rapid attachment loss.Question 18 of 20 19. which of the following is not true about chlorhexidineit is slowly released back into the oral cavity for several hoursit binds electrostatically to hydroxyapatiteit is effective against bacteria, fungi and virusesit precipitates cytoplasmic proteinsQuestion 19 of 20 20. an electrosurgical technique which is also called as electrotomy and is used for incisions ,excisions and tissue planning iselectrodessicationelectrofulgrationelectrocoagulationelectrosectionQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...