1. the pocket epithelium shows a series of histopathological changes.which of the following is true in this regard proliferative and degenerative changes necrotic changes degenarative changes proliferative changes 2. Leukotoxin 116kDa is secreted from Fusobacterium Prevotella intermedia Porphyromonas gingivalis A actinomycetemcomitans 3. Neutrophil exposes all of the following pattern recognition receptor except Nod2 TLR2 Nod1 TLR4 4. Which of the following structures is not present in periodontal ligament ? Mature elastic fibres Angioblast and undifferentiated cell Fibronectin Myelinated nerve fibres 5. Drugs known to cause gingival enlargement include all of the following, EXCEPT: Nifedipine Diltiazem Carbamazepine Sodium valproate 6. Bisbiguanides are what generation of antiplaque agents 2nd generations 4th generation 1st generations 3rd generation 7. Which of the following has an essential role in the formation of VSC (volatile sulphur compound ) Gram positive proteolytic bacteria Gram positive saccharolytic bacteria Gram negative proteolytic bacteria Gram negative saccharolytic bacteria 8. I-brush is used in case of Peri-implantitis Gingival recession Post periodontal surgery For regular cleaning of teeth 9. child tooth brush,as compared to adult tooth brush differs in bristle size head size handle hard bristles 10. Keratins that are characteristic of highly proliferative epithelia K 14 K 10 K 6 K 5 11. Adult onset tooth discolouration is seen in Long use of minocycline for treatment of acne Due to formation of byproducts of tetracycline use during childhood Long time use of doxycycline for treatment of chronic Periodontitis Use of tetracycline during entire pregnancy 12. Concentration of proteins in the sulcular fluid is Less than that in the blood Same as that in the blood None of the above More than that in the blood 13. Ultrastructural and biochemical studies have shown that paque microorganisms produce substances which separate them from one another and form a matrix for further plaque accumulation.This matrix is made up of dextrans(glucans)and Lipoproteins Disaccharides Levans Mucoproteins 14. Dental plaque contains Bacteria and food products Salivary products and food particles pellicle and food Bacteria and bacterial products 15. Evidence supporting the role of P. gingivalis as a pathogen in periodontal disease includes all of the following, EXCEPT: Found associated with crevicular epithelium Reduced adherence to host tissue cells Found in recurrent lesions Increase in periodontal lesions 16. which radiographic technique gives three dimensional view of the alveolar bony defects spiral computed tomography digital intraoral radiograph intra oral radiograph orthopantamograph 17. Which of the following are not involved in early colonisation of plaque Strep Gordonii Strep Conestellatus Strep intermedius Strep mitis 18. keratinosomes contain a large amount of all of the above alkaline phosphates acid phosphates glucose 6 phosphates 19. Environmental factors in biologic system model of periodontitis occur at which level: Person Level Biologic phenotype Genetic Level Clinical phenotype 20. which of the following bacteria do not invade host tissue cell F.Nucleatum P.intermedia T.denticola P.gingivalis Loading … Question 1 of 20