1. the pocket epithelium shows a series of histopathological changes.which of the following is true in this regardnecrotic changesproliferative changesdegenarative changesproliferative and degenerative changes 2. Chediak Higashi disease true is:Underlying etiology of defect in neutrophil phagocytosis functionMyeloperoxidase deficiency in neutrophilDefect in neutrophil ChemotaxisAffects adults more often 3. A gingival pocket (pseudopocket) is characterized byloss of attachment.loss of alveolar bone.deepened probing depth.none of the above 4. A periodontometer is a device used to measureGingival bone countTooth mobilityDebris and materia albaGingival bleeding 5. Selected bacterial properties involved in evasion of host defense mechanisms involve all of the following, EXCEPT:Ig A and Ig G degrading proteasesLeukotoxinCytotoxinNone of the above 6. Inadequate margins of restorations should be corrected primarily because theyCause occlusal disharmonyInterfere with plaque removalCreate mechanical irritationRelease toxic substances 7. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for periodontitis?. Smoking tobacco.Poorly controlled diabetes.Coronary heart disease.Poor oral hygiene 8. Bacteria in a biofilm communicate with each other.This phenomenon is calledQuorum sensingCoaggregationCorncob formationTransformation 9. Indifferent fibres areelastic fibresoxytalan fibrescollagen fibresnone of the above 10. Gingival Hyperplasia is seen most commonly inAMLALLCMLCLL 11. Calculus attaches to tooth surfaces by all of the following EXCEPTorganic pellicle.mechanical locking to tooth/root irregularities.close adaption to cementum.hemidesmosomes. 12. Which of the following is most important in determining the prognosis for a tooth?Probing pocket depthBleeding on probingClinical attachment levelLevel of alveolar bone 13. Drug most effective in treatment of refractory periodontitis including localised juvenile PeriodontitisAmoxycillin+metronidazoleTetracyclineCiprofloxacinPenicillin G 14. The arrangement and character of the principal fibres of the periodontal ligament are modified bytooth morphology.occlusal function.cementum.alveolar bone 15. Which of the following is a secondary colonizer:StreptococcusStaphylococcusCampylobacterActinomyces 16. Infrabony defects occur most frequently incancellous bone.cortical bone.bundle bone.interseptal bone. 17. Best method to evaluate the bone defect:Transgingival probingUse of Florida probeBitewing radiographsPeriapical radiographs 18. Antibiotic active against all strains of A.acetemcomitansMetronidazoeCiprofloxacinAzithromycinTetracycline 19. Regeneration leads to the formation of which layer of cementumcellular mixed cementumcellular intrinsic fibre cementumAcellular extrinsic fiber cementumAcellular afibrillar cementum 20. When performing a periodontal screening and recording (PSR) for a patient, the code asterisk (*) is used for a sextant whena tooth in the sextant needs to be extracted.all the teeth in the sextant are missing.a mucogingival problem is present.a tooth in the sextant has supraerupted 21. Leukotoxin 116kDa is secreted fromPorphyromonas gingivalisPrevotella intermediaA actinomycetemcomitansFusobacterium 22. What % collagen fibers and fibroblast are present in the gingival connective tissue60% and 5%65% and 5%60% and 10 %65% and 10% 23. Generalized aggressive periodontitis is characterized by attachment loss affecting the first molars and incisors and at least1 other permanent tooth.3 other permanent teeth.5 other permanent teeth.7 other permanent teeth 24. A periodontal screening and recording (PSR) score of 3 for a sextant indicates that probing depth does NOT exceed3.0mm.3.5mm.4.0mm.5.5mm. 25. Bisbiguanides are what generation of antiplaque agents1st generations2nd generations3rd generation4th generation 26. what is the thickness of cemento-dentinal junction1-2um2-3um3-4um4-5um 27. In GCF, ratio ofT:B Lymphocytes is:3 isto 11 isto 32 isto 11 isto 2 28. Ramfjord index uses teeth:16 21 24 36 41 4411 16 21 24 36 4116 24 26 30 36 4411 16 24 30 36 41 29. Chlorhexidine chip degrades in7-10 days12-15 days15-20 days1 month 30. Maximum force during probing around implants:.25 N.75 N1 N2.5 N 31. Diameter of tip of Florida probe:0.4mmO.6mm0.9mm1.2 mm 32. Diameter of bristles of soft brush:0.3mm0.4mm0.6mm0.2mm 33. Trauma from occlusion may be diagnosed radiographically by the presence ofcemental tears.horizontal bone loss.widening of the periodontal ligament space.narrowing of the periodontal ligament space 34. In horizontal alveolar bone loss, the pathway of inflammation isthrough the periodontal ligament.through the epithelial attachment.through the cortical bone of the alveolar process.perivascularly, into the marrow spaces of the crestal bone 35. Necrotic pressure areas undermining bone resorption and endosteal bone formatioon are all associated withPeriodontal cystJuvenile PeriodontitisPrimary occlusal traumaPeriodontal abcess 36. Vicryl plus containsTetracyclineTriclosanMinocyclineMetronidazole 37. What type of graft is BIO-ossAutogenousAllograftXenograftAlloplast 38. A conventional gingivectomyWill eliminate infra bony pocketWill eliminate false pocketWill preserve width of attached gingivaFacilitates healing by primary intention 39. which are the indications for gingival curetaagesuprabony pockets with edematous and granulomatous tissuenarrow torturous deep pocketswhen mouth of pocket is wide openirregular form of gingiva 40. Preprosthetic surgical techniques include all of the following exceptCrown lengthening proceduresRidge augmentation proceduresVestibular extension proceduresRecreation of gingival papillae 41. Place the following stages of graft healing in order from earliest to latest:Organic Union, Plasmatic Circulation, VascularizationPlasmatic Circulation, Vascualarization, Organic UnionVascularization, Organic Union, Plasmatic CirculationVascularization, Plasmatic Circulation, Organic Union 42. the extent of bony defects can be best estimated bylong cone parallel radiographic techniquesequential probinguse of florida probetransgingival probing 43. Modification of Gracey Curette with universal blade angle:Langer curetteExtended shank curetteUniversal curetteMini curette 44. all are the examples of non bone graft material excepthydroxiopatitecartilagetricalcium phosphateboplant 45. Cyanoacrylate is used in periodontics toproduce hemostasisProduce anaesthesiaTreat hypersensitive root surfacesInstead of sutures 46. bone blending is a technique employed fortransplanting cortical bonetransplanting cancellous bonetransplanting a mix of cancellous bone and hydroxyapatite cystals onlytransplanting resorbable hydroxyapatite crystals only 47. Causes for recurrence of periodontal disease include all of the following exceptIncomplete subgingival plaque controlbacteria present within gingival tissues in chronic and aggressive periodontitis casestransmisssion of bacteria associated with periodontitis between spouses and other family membershealing by new connective tissue attachment 48. The usual reason for failures in maintaining adequate plaque removal is inadequate patientEducationSkill and dexterityTrainingMotivation 49. In guided tissue regeneration, which of the following describes the purpose of the membrane?To contain the graftTo support the epitheliumTo direct epithelium growthTo promote osteoconduction 50. Polymorphisms in which of the following genes have been associated with severe chronic periodontitis?IL-6IL-1TNFPGE2 51. laboratory test for ANUG iscomplement fixationdark field examinationtissue cultureanimal innoculation 52. All of the following are examples of non eugenol packs exceptCoe packWonder packTissue conditionersCyanoacrylates 53. Which of the following is least likely to be successfully treated with a bone graft procedureOne-walled defectTwo-walled defectThree-walled defectClass III furcation defect 54. Which class of bony defect responds best to regenerative therapy?One-walledTwo-walledThree-walledShallow crater 55. An interdental crater has how many walls?One wallTwo wallsThree wallsFour walls 56. Bone grafting is most successful in which type of defects:One walledTwo walledThree walledHorizontal defects 57. ramping can be done for aone wall defecttwo wall defectthree wall defectfour wall defect 58. When performing a laterally repositioned flap, which of the following must be considered relative to the donor site?Presence of bone on the facialWidth of attached gingivaThickness of attached gingivaAll of the above 59. Tetracyclines are widely used in treatment of periodontal diseases becauseThey are bacteriostatic and effective against rapidly multiplying bacteriaThey have anticollagenolytic effectThey inhibit alveolar bone lossall of the above 60. Which of the following statements is true regarding the radiographic appearance of furcation involvements?A definitive diagnosis can be made from a radiograph.Bone loss is greater than it appears on a radiograph.They are best evaluated with periapical radiographs.Furcation involvements cannot be seen on radiographs 61. Which of the following statements about papilla preservation flaps is falsethe papilla preservation flap should be used for narrow interdental spacesA crevicular incision around each tooth is made with no incisions across the interdental papillaThe Orban knife is used to sever 1/2 to 2/3 of the base of the interdental papillaThe flap is reflected without thinning the tissue 62. Critical zones in pocket surgery include all of the following exceptThe soft tissue wallThe tooth surface wallThe boneThe attached gingiva 63. Which of the following has been used to induce root surface biocompatibility and enhance cellular response?FibronectinLamininTetracyclineall of the above 64. Detection of periodontal pockets is done byvisual examination.radiographic examination.testing for mobility of teeth.probing. 65. Resective osseous surgery is best suited for periodontal sites withsevere attachment loss.severe intrabony defects.teeth with short roots.early to moderate bone loss. 66. Technique to evaluate new attachment and bone regeneration include all of the following exceptClinical attachmentRadiogrpahic methodsSurgical re-entryenzymatic methods 67. Which of the following antibiotic is prescribed in case of juvenile periodontitisTetracyclineErythromycinSulphadiazineCephalexin 68. Which of these causes maximum amount of connective tissue damage leading to bone loss:Supragingival attached plaqueSubgingival plaqueSubgingival unattached plaqueSubgingival plaque attached to epithelium 69. keyes technique refers toApplication of various medicaments to root surfacesApplication of slurry of sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide to tooth surfaceSubgingival irrigation by oral mouthwashesNone of the above 70. A procedure that is performed apical to the epithelial attachment, severing the connective tissue attachment down to the osseous crest isInadvertent curettageGingival curettageSubgingival curettageRoot planing 71. Langer's technique is:Free gingival autograftVestibuloplastySubepithelial CT graftFenestration closure 72. Reducing the supracontact while restoring the original tooth contour during occlusal adjustment is referred to asCoronoplastyGroovingSpheroidingPointing 73. the disclosing agent used in Modified Quigley hein Plaque Index isCarbol FuschinBasic FuschinSodium Fluorescein dyeTwo tone dye 74. Factors adversely influencing successful outcome of regenerative periodontal therapy include all of the following exceptinadequate plaque controlpoor compliance with supportive periodontal therapysmokingage 75. HTR polymer isPolyetherPolymethylmethacrylateSilicaHydroxyapatite 76. Stroke used for the removal of both supragingival and subgingival calculus should beLight to moderate pull strokeShort powerful pull strokeShort moderate push strokePowerful push stroke 77. Displaced flaps include all of the following exceptApically displaced flapDouble papilla flapSemilunar flapPapilla preservation flaps 78. a light feeling stroke that is used with probes to evaluate the dimensions of the pocket and to detect calculus and irregularities of the tooth surface is called asvertical strokeexploratory strokescaling strokeroot planing stroke 79. the final evaluation of the root surface smoothness after root planning is done byprobeexplorerscalercurettes 80. the pontic design with the least affect on the peiodontium is theovate ponticmodified ridge lap ponticsanitary ponticridge lap pontic 81. Prosthetic and restorative factor to be considered while deciding on periodontal prognosis isFurcation involvementShort tapered rootRoot ResorptionEnamel pearl 82. Disadvantages associated with iliac crest autografts include all of the following exceptPostoperative infectionexfoliation and sequestrationreduced osteogenic potentialroot resorption 83. After endodontic therapy has been performed on a mandibular molar with both periodontal bifurcation involvement and bifurcation caries what procedure should be done nextHemisectionFenestrationroot amputationapical curettage 84. recent advanced method for diagnosis of periodontal organism isdipslide methodnucleic acid probesroentzen methodnone 85. Which chisel is used in a pulling action(pull stroke)Sugarman fileGoldman foxRhodes chiselGracey 86. Ostectomy procedure is indicated inPhysiological architecture of alveolar boneCorrection of toriReverse architecture bony defectsCorrection of bone ledges 87. Hydroxyapatite used in dental surgery isused to fill osseous defects.derived from tooth enamel.resistant to fracture.osteogenic. 88. Which of the following is a major contraindication to resection of crest boneGingival recessionPost surgical infectionRemoval of healthy boneWeakening of support of an adjacent tooth 89. which of the following step should be most preferably taken in root planning procedureremoval of root cariesremoval of necrosed cementum and calculusremoval of calculusremoval of dentine 90. The immediate treatment of a periodontal abscess is toestablish drainage.prescribe an analgesic.relieve the occlusion.prescribe an antibiotic 91. Which is not a goal of scaling and root planing?Reducing vertical bone defectsEliminating inflammationReducing probing depthsImproving clinical attachment 92. the tissue response to oral hygiene instruction is best assessed byprobing the base of the pocketChanges in plaque scoreReduced tendency to bleed on probing the gingival marginreduced tooth mobility 93. Reattachment proceduresShould not be used where aesthetics are a prime considerationDecrease the width of attached gingivaReduce pocket depth by establishing a long epithelium attachmentReduce pocket depth by establishing reattachment of connective tissue fibers 94. the major indication for splinting as part of periodontal therapy is toimmobilise excessively mobile teeth for patient comforteliminate occlusal trauma cmponent of periodontitisredirect occlusal forces to supporting bonereduce gingival ischaemia that results from axial forces on the blood vessels of the periodontium 95. The proponents of modified Widman flap wereMorrisWidmanRamfjord and NissleMiller 96. The reaction to irrigation and inflammation in the sulcular area is calledHyperkeratosisPyknosisPseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasianone of the above 97. Which of the following is not the effect of TGF-B on periodontal ligament cellsCell proliferationCollagen synthesisProtein synthesisMatrix gene expression 98. Resolvin is derived fromGlycoproteinsFatty acidProteinCarbohydrate 99. Antibiotic coverage should be provided when performing periodontal surgery for patients withmyocardial infarction.dental implants.prosthetic heart valve.coronary artery disease 100. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ketoralac, are beneficial in the treatment of periodontal disease because theystimulate cyclo-oxygenase activity.reduce prostaglandin E2 synthesis.promote wound healing.none of the above Loading...