1. The gingival fiber group which inserts into 2 adjacent teeth is the


2. Which of the following is most important in determining the prognosis for a tooth?


3. Which interleukin (IL) is important in the acti- vation of osteoclasts and the stimulation of bone loss seen in periodontal disease?


4. Which of the following is most susceptible to gingival breakdown


5. Which of the following has an essential role in the formation of VSC (volatile sulphur compound )


6. Age changes associated with the PDL include all of the following, EXCEPT:


7. cul de sac appearance is seen in


8. Preventable risk factor for periodontal disease:


9. The keratinising potential of which of the following does not change with age


10. Which of the following is contagious?


11. To identify key microorganisms in periodontal disease Koch criteria have been modified by


12. Antibiotic active against all strains of A.acetemcomitans


13. In chronic periodontal disease, the most common bone defect seen is:


14. the community periodontal index for treatent needs is recorded for


15. Orogranulocytic migratory rate refers to


16. What will be the radiographic feature of chronic gingivitis


17. sulcular epithelium is


18. Microorganisms associated with periodontal health are all of the following, EXCEPT:


19. All of the following can be included for active tissue engineering purpose in periodontal procedures except


20. Width of attached gingiva is least on


Question 1 of 20