1. Which of the following is most useful in differentiating an acute periodontal abcess from periapical abcess


2. Major fimbrial structural component of P.gingivalis is


3. Indifferent fibres are


4. occlusal wear results in all except


5. Patient with plantar hyperkeratosis, periodontitis and dural calcification: what is the diagnosis:


6. keratinosomes contain a large amount of


7. A previously well-controlled periodontal patient now demonstrates the presence of bleeding in 60% of sites and significantly increased probing depths. The patient has most likely developed


8. Which salivary enzyme inhibits A. Actinomcetamcomitans


9. Bisbiguanides are what generation of antiplaque agents


10. which of the following crystal forms occur in greater amounts in supraginigval calculus


11. Gene responsible for negative regulation of BMP1 during demineralisation is?


12. the deep periodontal pocket due to degeneration of periodontal fibers and rapid loss of tooth supporting structure is seen in


13. a child is having bone loss around molars and incisor region with pus discharge and calculus which cant be treated by medication is suffering from


14. Square knot is composed of


15. Sulcular epithelium is


16. the content of the following increases with the depth of periodontal pockets


17. Microorganisms associated with periodontal health are all of the following, EXCEPT:


18. which of the following bacteria do not invade host tissue cell


19. Which of the following has an essential role in the formation of VSC (volatile sulphur compound )


20. Bacterial enzyme capable of degrading host tissues is:


Question 1 of 20