1. Chediak Higashi disease true is:


2. Keratins that are characteristic of highly proliferative epithelia


3. erythema and bleeding on probing are initially evident in


4. Which of the following is an etiologic factor in the development of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis?


5. The specific plaque hypothesis was delineated by:


6. Regeneration leads to the formation of which layer of cementum


7. a child is having bone loss around molars and incisor region with pus discharge and calculus which cant be treated by medication is suffering from


8. Neutrophil exposes all of the following pattern recognition receptor except


9. The attached gingiva is


10. embrassure characterised by the slight to moderate recession of interdental papillae are


11. MMP 4 belongs to which of these groups


12. Endotoxin is


13. The distance from the CEJ to the base of the pocket is a measure of


14. Dental wear caused by tooth-to-tooth contact is


15. Modes of attachment of calculus to the tooth surface include all of the following, EXCEPT


16. Which of the following root surfaces have concavities that make root planing difficult?


17. ANUG is caused by:


18. Corncob formations in plaque have been observed between.-


19. Lymph from palatal gingiva drain into


20. a black line on the gingiva which follows the contour of the margin is due to


Question 1 of 20