1. Amalgam is most often the restorative material of choice for primary teeth. The most important modification in its use for children is in the Use of a rubber damUse of a zinc free alloyPlacement of matrix bandsCavity preparationQuestion 1 of 20 2. A mother and her 4 yr old son are seated alone in a reception area with the child staring off into space,rocking and constantly twisting a strand of hair about about his fingers.upon entry of another person the child begins to beat his fist against the side of his face and behaves as though he does not hear his mother speaking to him.this behavior is most characteristic ofA mentally retarded childFirst dental appointment anxieties of a 4 yr old childAn autistic childA child with a chronic seizure disorderQuestion 2 of 20 3. In child with class II restoration fails because ofInsufficient widthMarginal fractureIncreased labiolingual widthProximal box fractureQuestion 3 of 20 4. Primary function of MTA isRoot canal restorative material in deciduous teethApexification in an immature traumatised pulpless teethNoneRestoration in deciduous anterior teethQuestion 4 of 20 5. Into how many segments the infant's gum pad is divided?Three in each quadrantTwo in each jawFive in each quadrantTwo in each quadrantQuestion 5 of 20 6. A 4 year old has a primary central incisor that is yellow but asymptomatic. The most probable diagnosis ispulpal necrosis.internal resorption.pulpal calcification.external resorptionQuestion 6 of 20 7. Which of the following is not a function of crib?Establish suction force on anterior segmentMake the habit unpleasant for the childAct as a reminder for the childDistribute pressure to posterior teethQuestion 7 of 20 8. Which of the following permanent restorations is the most appropriate after a formocresol pulpotomy has been completed on a primary molar?An amalgam placed at the same appointment.A stainless steel crown placed at the same appointment.An amalgam placed when a radiograph indicates no bone destruction between the roots.A stainless steel crown placed when a radiograph demonstrates no internal resorption.Question 8 of 20 9. A mother brings a 9 year old child with pain in the right lower tooth. The mother gives a history that the child suffered multiple episodes of cold and fever in the recent past. On examination, the lower right deciduous first molar was found to have proximal caries. What is the first line of investigation?Take an IOPA radiographPrepare a test cavityElectric pulp testingThermal testingQuestion 9 of 20 10. The name early childhood caries (ECC) was given byMossHorowitzKrollDaviesQuestion 10 of 20 11. Splinting period for avulsed tooth is6 weeks4 weeks2 weeks8 weeksQuestion 11 of 20 12. Fordyce granules are:Epithelial inclusion cystsEctopic sebaceous glandsRemnants of the dental laminaFound on the buccal and lingual aspects of the alveolusQuestion 12 of 20 13. A traumatized primary tooth turns pink over a period of time. The pathologic change that has occurred isComplete necrosisInternal resorptionEnamel hypoplasiaAnkylosisQuestion 13 of 20 14. All of the following statements are true except:The pulp cavities are proportionately larger in the primary teethThe primary teeth are darker in color than the permanent teethThe crown surfaces of all primary teeth are much smoother than the permanent teethIn general, the crowns of primary teeth are more bulbous and constricted than the permanent counterpartQuestion 14 of 20 15. Enamel has no possibility of repair becauseIt has a small percent of organic contentIt is a keratin tissue and has no blood vesselsIts formative cells are lost once it is completely formedIt has no direct connection with the pulpQuestion 15 of 20 16. Which property of pit and fissure sealant is most important?Moderate solubility and water sorptionLow volatilityAdequate working timeThermal conductivity higher than teethQuestion 16 of 20 17. In the maxilla the molar tooth germs develop, with their occlusal surfaces facing firstLinguallyMesiallyDistallyBuccallyQuestion 17 of 20 18. Crossbites in the primary and mixed dentitions are best treated when they are discovered. However, when Succedaneous teeth will erupt within 1 year and may also be in crossbite, it is usually best to delay treatment.Both the statements are falseThe first statement is true and the second statement is falseBoth the statements are trueThe first statetnent is false and second statement is trueQuestion 18 of 20 19. The most common cause of short stature is?Growth hormone defHypothyroidismConstitutional delay in growthSystemic diseasesQuestion 19 of 20 20. A bitewing radiograph of an early mixed dentition should include the following proximal surfaces.Mesial of the primary first molar to mesial of the permanent first molar.Mesial of the primary first molar to distal of the permanent first molar.Distal of the primary canine to mesial of the permanent first molar.Distal of the primary canine to distal of the permanent first molar.Question 20 of 20 Loading...