1. Most uncommon fracture seen in deciduous dentition

Question 1 of 20

2. A young patient reported with sore throat; mild fever, and raised, discrete , whitish to yellowish solid papules, surrounded by a narrow zone of erythema. The most likely diagnosis is

Question 2 of 20

3. Which of the following teeth is most likely to resist invasion by caries?

Question 3 of 20

4. Which medium of storage for avulsed tooth is best for prolonged extra oral periods

Question 4 of 20

5. The pulp horn which is most likely to be exposed during cavity preparation on a primary molar is the

Question 5 of 20

6. A radiograph of a 4 yr child reveals no evidence of calcification of mandibular second premolars. This means that

Question 6 of 20

7. Your patient is 8 years old. Teeth #8 and #9 have approximately 50% of their crowns erupted. One month ago, the patient fell from a skateboard and hit teeth #8 and #9 on the sidewalk. The radiograph today shows open apices of these teeth, normal PDL, and no apparent periapical radiolucency. The patient has no reaction to electrical pulp tests. What is your treatment of choice?

Question 7 of 20

8. Ph of calcium hydroxide is

Question 8 of 20

9. Which of the following series act as the best space maintainer in a child`s mouth

Question 9 of 20

10. In a 4 year old child, the primary central incisor has discoloured following a traumatic injury. The treatment of choice is

Question 10 of 20

11. Pulp mummification is indicated in

Question 11 of 20

12. The partial pulpotomy technique was advocated by

Question 12 of 20

13. In ferric sulphate pulpotomy, ferric sulphate is applied for

Question 13 of 20

14. The absence of pulp chambers is suggestive of

Question 14 of 20

15. The technique of prophylactic odontotomy was introduced by

Question 15 of 20

16. Preventive resin restoration is used

Question 16 of 20

17. On the health history form, the mother of a 6-year-old new patient notes that the child is moderately mentally challenged. The dentist should _____.

Question 17 of 20

18. Tooth pigmentation associated with which, of the following fluoresces yellow green under ultraviolet light

Question 18 of 20

19. The concept of window of infectivity was introduced by

Question 19 of 20

20. The teeth usually examined in the simplified oral hygiene index are

Question 20 of 20