1. Nance holding arch space maintainer isActive functionalPassive Non-functionalPassive functionalActive Non-functionalQuestion 1 of 20 2. For placing a stainless steel crown, the word festooned meansPolishingCrimpingStretchingCuttingQuestion 2 of 20 3. The success of indirect pulp capping is dependent uponremoval of all caries at the enamel-dentin junction.use of calcium hydroxide.a well sealed restoration.All of the above.Question 3 of 20 4. A young child of 7 years age is seen with indurated ulcers,lymphadenopathy and fever. The likely treatment is:Excise the lesionSystemic antibioticsSymptomatic treatmentI.V. FluidsQuestion 4 of 20 5. Hyposecretion of thyroid hormone during infancy results inGigantismGraves diseaseCretinismMyxedemaQuestion 5 of 20 6. In a stainless steel crown on a deciduous molar with overhanging margins, gingival pain and inflammation occurs due to:Excess cementEngaging undercutCrown margins causing irritationPlaque retentionQuestion 6 of 20 7. The enamel rods in the gingival third of primary teeth slope occlusally instead of cervically as in permanent teeth, and the interproximal contacts of primary teeth are broader and flatter than permanent teeth.The first statement is false and the second statement is true.The first statement is false and the second statement is false.The first statement is true and the second statement is false.The first statement is true and the second statement is true.Question 7 of 20 8. Parents seeking advice should be told that their child's thumb sucking habitis not usually the cause of malocclusionshould be discouraged as soon as it is observedshould not he stopped if the child is living with a single parentwill disappear on its own by the age of 6 yrsQuestion 8 of 20 9. Which of the following is/are true about the actions of a formocresol pulpotomy?Formocresol pulpotomies contain four zones of fixationAll of the above are trueFormocresol pulpotomies are initiated when the inflammation has spread into the tissues within the root canal systemFormocresol pulpotomies donot produce dentinal bridgingQuestion 9 of 20 10. A flush terminal plane will convert to an Angle Class I occlusion bydistal movement of the maxillary first permanent molars.mandibular forward growth exceeding maxillary growth.mesial movement of the mandibular first permanent molars into the leeway space.closure of mandibular primate space.Question 10 of 20 11. Primary teeth are lighter than permanent teeth because Because of contrast with the adjacent tissueThin dentin in primary teethDifference in crystalline structure makes refractive index differentLighter color of enamelQuestion 11 of 20 12. A diagnosis of small occlusal cavities is most readily made by the use ofPanoramic radiographsPeriapical radiographsBite-wing radiographsAn explorer and compressed airQuestion 12 of 20 13. An 8 year old child with normal tooth calcification and eruption has the primary lower second molar extracted. The resulting space should be:Left untreated because the difference in size between the primary molar and the premolar will compensate for any drifting that may occur.Closed slightly to accommodate the smaller premolar.Maintained until 2/3rd of the premolar root has developed.Ignored, because the 2nd premolar will erupt in a short time.Question 13 of 20 14. Pulp tests 24 hours after injury to a fractured central incisor of a 9 year old indicate that the tooth is nonvital. The fracture is limited to the enamel without pulpal exposure. The pulp should be considered asrequiring retesting after 2-3 weeksnecroticdeadhyperemicQuestion 14 of 20 15. In some children there may be a heavy grey-green stain, especially prominent on the gingival third of maxillary anterior teeth. This stain is soft and difficult to remove. It is thought to be associated withsalivary mucinenamel cuticletobacco smokingchromogenic bacteriaQuestion 15 of 20 16. Radiographic examination of a permanent first molar with an early acute pulpal abscess in a 9 yr old child is likely to revealA disturbance in the integrity of the periodontal ligamentInvolvement of the bifurcationA large area of periapical bone rarefactionLittle change from normal structureQuestion 16 of 20 17. Hypoplastic defects of the occlusal half of the first permanent molars and the incisal third of the permanent incisors are most likely because ofnone of the aboveinfection of the deciduous teethtraumasevere metabolic disturbancesQuestion 17 of 20 18. N2O more than 30-40 percent causesAnoxiaDiffusion hypoxiaAmnesiaAtaxiaQuestion 18 of 20 19. Recommended brushing time in children under supervision of parent is15 seconds1 minute5 minute3 minutesQuestion 19 of 20 20. A child behaves inappropriately during his dental visit. In response, the dentist sends the Mother outside the operatory. This kind of behaviour management is termed asOmissionPunishmentNegative reinforcementPositive reinforcementQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...