1. The pulp horn which is most likely to be exposed during cavity preparation on a primary molar is the


2. The presence of higher amounts of proline rich proteins (PRP) can have what kind of effect on caries causation


3. Which amino acid is absent in carisolv


4. Which of the following is true of apexogenesis?


5. The most common cause of short stature is?


6. A 5-year-old girl lives in an area with 0.4ppm F in the city drinking water. How much supplemental fluoride should you prescribe for the patient to consume the optimal amount of fluoride?


7. Mandibular foramina in a 4 year child is located


8. Young permanent tooth with irreversible pulpitis sign is treated as


9. In ferric sulphate pulpotomy, ferric sulphate is applied for


10. Which of the following should be taken into consideration when fluoridating the community water supply


11. It is best to use which of the following for a topical fluoride application in the office for a patient that has porcelain, glass ionomer or composite restorations?


12. Primary function of MTA is


13. Babu a 7 & 1/2 year old child reports with a fracture of central incisor with an open apex there is large pulpal exosure.the treatment of choice is


14. Where do lesions commonly occur in the primary form of acute herpetic gingivostomatitis?


15. In case of Pulpotomy of a mandibular 2nd primary molar in a five year old child, which local anaesthetic technique is to be used Intrapulpul


16. How much fluoride, in ppm, is contained in commonly used toothpastes?


17. Which of the following factors is the least likely to cause an instrument separating inside a root canal?


18. The primary purpose of applying cavity varnish is to prevent


19. In mechanical exposure of pulp (size 0.3mm) what is to be done


20. A 6 year old patient reports with greenish blue swelling distal to deciduous 2nd molar. Treatment would be:


Question 1 of 20