1. Which of the following is the most likely cause pulpal necrosis following trauma to a tooth?


2. Fluorosis is the result of excessive systemic fluoride during which stage of tooth development?


3. Which treatment is the proper one for a class ll fracture of a permanent tooth with an immature apex?


4. The best filling material in deciduous teeth for RCT


5. Fordyce granules are:


6. The cotton pellet applied to the pulpal stumps in the formocresol pulpotomy technique should be


7. Frankel behavior is divided into how many numbers


8. The type of GIC used for ART is


9. Parents should begin cleaning a child`s mouth


10. Which property of pit and fissure sealant is most important?


11. Xenophobia is


12. Preventive resin restoration is used


13. The concept of window of infectivity was introduced by


14. Your patient is 8 years old. Tooth #8 was avulsed and you replanted it within 30 minutes. What is the best splint to use?


15. A 5-year-old girl lives in an area with 0.4ppm F in the city drinking water. How much supplemental fluoride should you prescribe for the patient to consume the optimal amount of fluoride?


16. Dental age refers to the


17. In preparing a primary first molar for a stainless steel crown, the surface requiring the least amount of reduction is


18. A self corrective anomaly in a 10 year old child is:


19. The presence of higher amounts of proline rich proteins (PRP) can have what kind of effect on caries causation


20. Reward for a child is


Question 1 of 20