1. Congenital epulis of new born bears a resemblance to
2. All the following are media to store an avulsed tooth except?
3. Which of the following is 'not usually associated with delayed eruption of teeth
4. Which of the following is least likely to be effective in attempting to communicate with a mentally retarded patient
5. K` swallow is
6. Which of the following oropharyngeal function is not involuntary
7. A 3 year old presents with subluxated maxillary central incisors. The occlusion is normal. What is the most appropriate management?
8. A child with an avulsed tooth comes with tooth placed in milk, the treatment is
9. Prior to reimplantation, tooth is soaked in 3% citric acid. This is done to
10. A periapical radiograph of a 7 year old child reveals an inverted mesiodens. Tooth 1.1 is partially erupted and tooth 2.1 has not yet erupted. The most appropriate management is to
11. A 3 year old child suffered traumatic lateral luxation injury to his upper central incisor. The tooth is not mobile and does not interfere in occlusion. What should be done
12. A 10 year old child met an accident and got traumatised left central incisor along with fracture and discoloration of the central incisor. The child has reported to the clinic after 6 months. The line of the treatment is
13. Chronic pulpal involvement in a deciduous molar is first manifested as:
14. A 4 year old child presents with a history of trauma and an asymptomatic discoloured primary maxillary left incisor. A periapical radiograph reveals no abnormalities. The most appropriate management is a/an
15. In which of the following situations is space most difficult to manage?
16. Distal shoe space maintainer should be
17. Roots of the permanent maxillary central incisors are completed by what age?
18. The most appropriate management for a concussed tooth is
19. In a 4 year old child, the primary central incisor has discoloured following a traumatic injury. The treatment of choice is
20. The most appropriate treatment for an 11 year old who has intermittent swelling and pain associated with a central incisor which was traumatized 6 months ago is
21. A 7 year old patient presents 4 hours post-trauma with an oblique crown fracture of tooth 2.1 exposing 2mm of vital pulp. The most appropriate treatment is
22. Following trauma, bluish-grey discolouration of the crown of an anterior tooth is due to
23. A 4 year old has a primary central incisor that is yellow but asymptomatic. The most probable diagnosis is
24. When preparing a cavity in a primary molar, there is a small mechanical exposure of one of the pulp horns. There is a slight hemorrhage and the dentin surrounding the exposure is sound. The most appropriate treatment is
25. Many months after trauma to a primary incisor, the development of a greyish discolouration in the crown usually indicates
26. Most common caries seen in primary 1 molar:
27. The most common cause of an anterior cross bite in mixed dentition is:
28. Pulpotomy comes under which level of prevention:
29. Tooth pigmentation associated with which, of the following fluoresces yellow green under ultraviolet light
30. Cervical caries on the maxillary primary incisors in a 12-month old child is most likely caused by
31. A 5 year old child has yellow pigmentation of the deciduous teeth which under ultraviolet light gives a bright yellow fluorescence. The most likely diagnosis is
32. Keyes triad is related to
33. A diagnosis of small occlusal cavities is most readily made by the use of
34. A large carious exposure occurs on a permanent first molar of a 7 year old. There is no periapical involvement and the tooth is vital. The treatment should be to
35. A 3 year old presents 30 minutes after facial trauma. Tooth 5.1 is avulsed. The father has recovered the tooth and has kept it in a wet napkin. Which of the following is the most appropriate management?
36. High viscosity saliva may lead to increased caries children. This statement is
37. The most appropriate management of a 4mm diameter carious exposure on a vital permanent first molar in a 7 year old is
38. Which of the following is/are true regarding patients with asthma?
39. Which of the following is incorrect about acute herpetic gingivostomatitis
40. A healthy 3 year old child has just had a routine extraction of a primary mandibular molar. Which of the following post-operative problems as most likely to occur?
41. A traumatically intruded deciduous maxillary central incisor should be allowed to reerupt if
42. Root development may be arrested and tooth eruption retarded, in
43. Which of the following arises within the first 2 years of life
44. Failure of bone resorption over an erupting tooth is due to lack of
45. Ideally, the width of the isthmus should be
46. The mandibular primary second molar is extracted in a 5 year old patient. The most appropriate time to construct a space maintainer is
47. Histologically, the congenital epulis of newborn exhibits
48. Pacifier is an example of
49. A child of 7 & 1/2 years receives an extended course of tetracycline. Clinical crowns of which of the following teeth are likely to show discoloration
50. A subluxated tooth will have
51. A child behaves inappropriately during his dental visit. In response, the dentist sends the Mother outside the operatory. This kind of behaviour management is termed as
52. Pulp tests 24 hours after injury to a fractured central incisor of a 9 year old indicate that the tooth is nonvital. The fracture is limited to the enamel without pulpal exposure. The pulp should be considered as
53. Hyposecretion of thyroid hormone during infancy results in
54. When a deciduous tooth is moved orthodontically, the associated permanent tooth germ
55. Definition of autistic child is
56. Class II cavity preparation for amalgam, restorations in deciduous teeth requires
57. Which medium of storage for avulsed tooth is best for prolonged extra oral periods
58. The prognosis for teeth with root fracture is best when the root fracture occurs in the
59. What percentage of malocclusions may be attributed to the early loss of the second deciduous molar
60. A 12 year old child presents with characteristic tetracycline discoloration of the maxillary and mandibular incisors and permanent first molars. The probable age at which this child received tetracycline therapy was
61. The latex sheets used for rubber dam is usually of
62. A narrow continuous line or a series of brown dots which follow the contour of gingival margin of the posterior teeth in children is known as
63. All of the following are amide group of local anaesthetic agents except
64. Which of the following disease has no oral manifestation
65. In which of the primary molars does the anatomy of the pulp contraindicate a MOD preparation for the placement of an amalgam restoration?
66. Of the following, the first permanent tooth to erupt into the oral cavity is a
67. The first teeth to become involved in nursing bottle caries usually are
68. Ankylosis of primary teeth is most frequently observed in
69. Sequence of teeth affected in children with high caries susceptibility:
70. The most common primary tooth to become ankylosed is a
71. The effects of constant mouth breathing include
72. A flush terminal plane will convert to an Angle Class I occlusion by
73. A retardation or failure of differentiation of the maxillary mesoderm at and after 50mm stage of embryo, is thought to result in
74. Which of the following teeth is most likely to resist invasion by caries?
75. Which of the following is not a function of crib?
76. Splinting of a permanent maxillary incisor following trauma is required in the management of a
77. The importance of proximal caries in deciduous 1st Molar for an orthodontist is:
78. Which of the following space maintainers is/are most appropriate for a 4 year old child whose mandibular first primary molars have been extracted?
79. A child patient lost his maxillary central incisor. The treatment available will be
80. The most appropriate management of an intruded 5.1 with the apex displaced toward the labial bone plate is to
81. GIC is done for primary teeth mainly because of
82. In primary teeth, a pulpotomy using calcium hydroxide
83. Which of the following is characteristic of an inverted mesiodens
84. Fluoridated toothpaste will be most effective in remineralizing
85. Stony hard on percussion, tooth stops erupting. Such tooth shows
86. In a 9yr old child all the permanent incisors are present except the left maxillary central incisor .this may be due to
87. With a flush terminal plane, permanent first molars will erupt in:
88. Which of the following is the most frequently utilized route of administration for sedation in pediatric patients?
89. Splinting period for avulsed tooth is
90. Maximum gain in height in boys occurs during which year of life?
91. Children should be taught flossing only after they have attained the age of
92. Prolonged retention of deciduous teeth with delayed eruption of permanent teeth, may occur in a patient suffering from
93. The extraction of a maxillary primary central incisor at the age of 6 years will cause
94. What should be the treatment of choice of an eruption cyst in the second molar region of a 2 year old?
95. The most typical location for the development of early childhood caries is the
96. In primary molars, radiographic bony changes from an infection are initially seen
97. Who is called the father of intravenous conscious sedation?
98. Cleidocranial dysostosis is of interest to the dentist because of
99. A 7 year old child presents with a 3mm coronal fracture with pulp exposure of tooth 2.1 following a trauma 24 hours ago. The tooth is sensitive to hot and cold fluids. The most appropriate management is a
100. Orogranulocytes are