1. The pulp horn which is most likely to be exposed during cavity preparation on a primary molar is the
2. The rubber dam is particularly adaptable to the primary 2nd molar because the
3. In preparing a primary first molar for a stainless steel crown, the surface requiring the least amount of reduction is
4. Which amino acid is absent in carisolv
5. Generally, a 20 second etching time is recommended. Enamel that has been exposed to fluoride may be resistant to etching and may aced to be exposed for longer periods.
6. All of the following instances, except one, may make the use of a rubber dam impractical. Which is the exception?
7. The primary purpose of applying cavity varnish is to prevent
8. The type of GIC used for ART is
9. A four-year old child presents with acute pain associated with a primary mandibular second molar that has a large carious lesion with pulpal involvement. Radiographically, there is periapical pathology on the distal root. The child is very cooperative and is able to tolerate long appointments. What is the preferred choice of therapy for the primary mandibular second molar?
10. Pulp mummification is indicated in
11. Chronic pulpal involvement in a deciduous molar is first manifested as
12. Pulp extirpation in primary teeth is mechanically difficult because of
13. A mother brings a 9 year old child with pain in the right lower tooth. The mother gives a history that the child suffered multiple episodes of cold and fever in the recent past. On examination, the lower right deciduous first molar was found to have proximal caries. What is the first line of investigation?
14. Which of the following is the most recommended endodontic obturating material for deciduous teeth?
15. The greatest problem in pulpal diagnosis is predicting the amount or extent of
16. The KRI paste is composed of
17. All of the following are contraindications to performing a direct pulp cap on a primary tooth except:
18. Direct pulp capping is indicated for a primary molar with an exposure when there is
19. The most successful treatment for a vital primary second molar with a large carious pulp exposure is
20. Babu a 7 & 1/2 year old child reports with a fracture of central incisor with an open apex there is large pulpal exosure.the treatment of choice is
21. Which treatment is the proper one for a class ll fracture of a permanent tooth with an immature apex?
22. When calcium hydroxide is placed in direct contact with viable pulp tissue the major immediate reaction is
23. First sign of formocresol pulpotomy failure is:
24. In ferric sulphate pulpotomy, ferric sulphate is applied for
25. Which of the following can be used as best root end filling material
26. Which of the following is/are true about the actions of a formocresol pulpotomy?
27. The cotton pellet applied to the pulpal stumps in the formocresol pulpotomy technique should be
28. Discolored primary teeth that are symptom-free and show no radiographic changes are best treated by:
29. Primary function of MTA is
30. The best filling material in deciduous teeth for RCT
31. Your patient exhibits enamel hypoplasia near the incisal edges of all permanent incisors and cuspids, except for the maxillary lateral incisors, which appear normal. At what age would you suspect some kind of systemic problem?
32. Fluorosis is the result of excessive systemic fluoride during which stage of tooth development?
33. Why are implants not generally performed on a 12-year-old patient with congenitally missing lateral incisors?
34. On the health history form, the mother of a 6-year-old new patient notes that the child is moderately mentally challenged. The dentist should _____.
35. Which of the following local anesthetic techniques is recommended for anesthetizing a primary mandibular second molar which will be extracted?
36. In the primary dentition, the mandibular foramen is located where in relation to the plane of occlusion?
37. What is the minimum alveolar concentration of nitrous oxide (Vol %)?
38. Your patient is 9 years old. The mandibular left first primary molar has a large, carious lesion on the distal and on the occlusal and the tooth has greater mobility than what you would normally expect. You should _____.
39. Why are rounded internal line angles desirable in the preparation of amalgam restorations in primary teeth?
40. Your patient is 7 years old and has a very large, carious lesion on tooth T. What radiological factors should be used in determining the best treatment of choice between pulpotomy and primary endodontics?
41. Which pulpotomy medicament demonstrates better success rates than formocresol?
42. If the fluoride level in the drinking water is greater than 0.6 ppm at any age, no supplemental systemic fluoride is indicated. If the patient is less than 12 months old, no supplemental systemic fluoride is indicated, whatever the water fluoride level.
43. A 1-year-old patient has his first dental examination. The dentist reviews with the parent when to expect the next teeth to erupt, teething, oral hygiene tips for toddlers, and discusses fluoride issues with bottled water and toothpaste. The term that describes this proactive approach to dental care is _____.
44. Most natal and neonatal teeth are primary teeth. They should be extracted.
45. Where do lesions commonly occur in the primary form of acute herpetic gingivostomatitis?
46. Localized aggressive periodontitis in the primary dentition is seen most commonly in the primary molar area. It is most common in Asian children.
47. Your patient is 8 years old. Tooth #8 was avulsed and you replanted it within 30 minutes. What is the best splint to use?
48. Your patient is 8 years old. Teeth #8 and #9 have approximately 50% of their crowns erupted. One month ago, the patient fell from a skateboard and hit teeth #8 and #9 on the sidewalk. The radiograph today shows open apices of these teeth, normal PDL, and no apparent periapical radiolucency. The patient has no reaction to electrical pulp tests. What is your treatment of choice?
49. A permanent incisor with a closed apex is traumatically intruded. What is the treatment of choice?
50. Which of the following is the most likely cause pulpal necrosis following trauma to a tooth?
51. Recommended brushing time in children under supervision of parent is
52. Reward for a child is
53. The form of rampant carries in young patients after radiotherapy for cancer treatment is
54. Tooth brushing should be taught to children's at the age of
55. Vital pulp procedures are all except
56. Xenophobia is
57. Young permanent tooth with irreversible pulpitis sign is treated as
58. During eruption of primary teeth, alveolar bone is
59. Enamel has no possibility of repair because
60. For placing a stainless steel crown, the word festooned means
61. Which of the following statements about alternate sweeteners is INCORRECT?
62. A patient telephones and tells you he has just knocked out his front tooth but that it is still intact. Your instructions should be to
63. A 3 year and 7 months old child with history of traumatic intrusion of 51. IOPA reveals foreshortening. The treatment is:
64. Most common cause of gingivitis in children below 5 yrs of age:
65. The success of indirect pulp capping is dependent upon
66. For an avulsed, fully developed permanent tooth that has been reimplanted, a favourable prognosis is most affected by the
67. The most appropriate management for the replantation of an avulsed permanent tooth is
68. Which of these is an indication for Formocresol Pulpotomy:
69. Which type of PRR will require a local anesthesia and a liner?
70. A 5 year and 4 months old child has a retrusive chin with reduced lower facial height, on intraoral examination, full cusp distal step molar relation is seen. The cephalometric parameters reveal a normal SNA but a reduced SNB. What should be the line of treatment
71. "QID" indicates
72. For a patient with acute herpetic gingival stomatitis, the dentist should
73. Phobia is defined as
74. If a 7 yr old child loses a primary mandibular canine at the same time the adjacent lateral incisor is erupting, the dentist should be alert to the possibility of
75. How much time is considered normal for the eruption of a succedaneous tooth after the exfoliation of a primary tooth?
76. How much fluoride supplement should be provided to a 1 year old child ( in a day) where the level of water fluoride is 0.02 ppm ?
77. Ph of calcium hydroxide is
78. The most appropriate treatment following the extraction of a first primary molar in a 4 year old child is
79. Into how many segments the infant's gum pad is divided?
80. The most important morphologic or histologic consideration in cavity preparation in primary teeth is
81. What would be the likely consequences if a deciduous mandibular canine is lost just before the eruption of the adjacent permanent lateral incisor?
82. An indirect pulp capping procedure for primary molar teeth is indicated when
83. Crossbites in the primary and mixed dentitions are best treated when they are discovered. However, when Succedaneous teeth will erupt within 1 year and may also be in crossbite, it is usually best to delay treatment.
84. The most likely cause of loss of a pit and fissure sealant is the
85. Maximum increase in intraoral microorganisms is seen on
86. Which statement best describes the psychodynamic approach to dental \ health care?
87. In the presence of a permanent successor, an ankylosed mandibular primary second molar should be extracted in all of the following situations, except
88. The corrected anterior cross bite is best retained by
89. A disease of childhood characterised by mental retardation delayed growth and delayed tooth eruption is associated with a deficiency of
90. A young child of 7 years age is seen with indurated ulcers,lymphadenopathy and fever. The likely treatment is:
91. In children, the most common cause of a fistula is a/an
92. A CONTRAINDICATION for a pulpectomy on a primary molar is
93. Which of the following clinical protocols is the most appropriate next step in the management of an avulsed permanent tooth, which has just been replanted?
94. Appliance to improve speech in cleft palate child with velopharyngeal insufficiency
95. Which of the following sweeteners used in sugarless gum is most effective in preventing caries?
96. Center of pedodontic treatment triangle is
97. A 5 year old has an enamel fracture of tooth 6.1. What is the most appropriate immediate management?
98. Parents seeking advice should be told that their child's thumb sucking habit
99. Hypoplastic defects of the occlusal half of the first permanent molars and the incisal third of the permanent incisors are most likely because of
100. An 8 yr. old HIV positive child reports with periapical abcess of deciduous mandibular first molar, which needs to be extracted. What protocol should the dentist follow