1. Fordyce granules are:


2. The rubber dam is particularly adaptable to the primary 2nd molar because the


3. In primary dentition, cusp of carabelli is seen in


4. When calcium hydroxide is placed in direct contact with viable pulp tissue the major immediate reaction is


5. Differences between child and adult patient are


6. Enamel has no possibility of repair because


7. Three different variations in the appearance of pits and fissures in crosssection include all of the following except


8. A young permanent incisor with an open apex has a pinpoint exposure due to a traumatic injury that occurred 24 hours previously. The best treatment is _____.


9. In preparing a primary first molar for a stainless steel crown, the surface requiring the least amount of reduction is


10. All of the following are true when comparing the normal child periodontium to the normal adult periodontium except:


11. The most common congenitally missing primary tooth is the:


12. Your patient is 9 years old. The mandibular left first primary molar has a large, carious lesion on the distal and on the occlusal and the tooth has greater mobility than what you would normally expect. You should _____.


13. The KRI paste is composed of


14. Generally, a 20 second etching time is recommended. Enamel that has been exposed to fluoride may be resistant to etching and may aced to be exposed for longer periods.


15. Where do lesions commonly occur in the primary form of acute herpetic gingivostomatitis?


16. Chlorhexidine, achemotherapeutic agent used for treating plaque, calculi and gingivitis is a


17. Formocresol has been shown to have a very good success rate when used as a medicament for pulpotomy procedures. Why is there continued interest to find another medicament that performs as well as or better than formocresol?


18. Which tooth is the only anterior tooth in either dentition to have a shorter inciso-cervical height than the mesio-distal width?


19. Your patient is 8 years old. Teeth #8 and #9 have approximately 50% of their crowns erupted. One month ago, the patient fell from a skateboard and hit teeth #8 and #9 on the sidewalk. The radiograph today shows open apices of these teeth, normal PDL, and no apparent periapical radiolucency. The patient has no reaction to electrical pulp tests. What is your treatment of choice?


20. A lady with an Infant reported to clinic with the complaint of white teeth like structure, at the level of gingiva in mandibular anterior region. What should dentist do?


Question 1 of 20