1. Three different variations in the appearance of pits and fissures in crosssection include all of the following exceptV typeU typeS typeI typeQuestion 1 of 20 2. In the presence of a permanent successor, an ankylosed mandibular primary second molar should be extracted in all of the following situations, exceptthe deciduous tooth is being retained much beyond its normal exfoliation timethe erupted first permanent molar has started tipping over the ankylosed tooth resulting in loss of arch lengththe ankylosed tooth is carious and is causing loss of arch lengthnumerous teeth in the arch are ankylosedQuestion 2 of 20 3. Formocresol has been shown to have a very good success rate when used as a medicament for pulpotomy procedures. Why is there continued interest to find another medicament that performs as well as or better than formocresol?It has been demonstrated that formocresol may cause failure to develop adequate lung capacity in children.Application of formocresol is a clinically timeconsuming procedure.It has been demonstrated that formocresol may cause spontaneous abortion.Formocresol is toxic and there is possible bloodborne spread to vital organs.Question 3 of 20 4. Pulp tests 24 hours after injury to a fractured central incisor of a 9 year old indicate that the tooth is nonvital. The fracture is limited to the enamel without pulpal exposure. The pulp should be considered asrequiring retesting after 2-3 weekshyperemicdeadnecroticQuestion 4 of 20 5. When a child patient is not able to hold the film during x-ray, who should hold the film:DentistDental assistantRadiographerParentQuestion 5 of 20 6. Which of the following local anesthetic techniques is recommended for anesthetizing a primary mandibular second molar which will be extracted?Buccal and lingual infiltration adjacent to the second primary molarInferior alveolar, lingual, and buccal nerve blockInferior alveolar nerve block and lingual nerve blockInferior alveolar nerve blockQuestion 6 of 20 7. The most important morphologic or histologic consideration in cavity preparation in primary teeth isDirection of enamel rods cervicallyDirection of roots below CEJThickness of enamel and dentinSize of primary molarsQuestion 7 of 20 8. Pacifier is an example ofImplicative suckingNon-nutritive suckingNutritive suckingDigit suckingQuestion 8 of 20 9. Your patient is 7 years old and has a very large, carious lesion on tooth T. What radiological factors should be used in determining the best treatment of choice between pulpotomy and primary endodontics?External root resorptionInternal root resorptionFurcation involvementAll of the aboveQuestion 9 of 20 10. Which of the following is not a function of crib?Act as a reminder for the childMake the habit unpleasant for the childDistribute pressure to posterior teethEstablish suction force on anterior segmentQuestion 10 of 20 11. Fluoride varnish (5% sodium fluoride in a resin vehicle) is the preferred choice of pediatric dentistry for in-office fluoride delivery for which of the following reasons?Measured maximum dose/exposure to fluoride ionStays on enamel surfaces longer than any other fluoride product/longer contact timeAll of the aboveEase of deliveryQuestion 11 of 20 12. The corrected anterior cross bite is best retained bya Hawley type retainerthe anterior overbite achieved during treatmentfinger springs attached to an acrylic platea tongue bladeQuestion 12 of 20 13. Into how many segments the infant's gum pad is divided?Five in each quadrantTwo in each quadrantTwo in each jawThree in each quadrantQuestion 13 of 20 14. The most physiologic medium to transport an avulsed tooth isNormal salineCold milkHanks balanced salt solutionViaspanTMQuestion 14 of 20 15. If a 7 yr old child loses a primary mandibular canine at the same time the adjacent lateral incisor is erupting, the dentist should be alert to the possibility ofCrowding of the mandibular anterior teethEarly eruption of the permanent canineA tongue habitA developing crossbiteQuestion 15 of 20 16. Which of the following are advantages a light cured materials over chemical cure sealants?Better physical and mechanical propertiesWorking time is longerAll of the aboveLess chance of incorporation of air bubbleQuestion 16 of 20 17. The best filling material in deciduous teeth for RCTCalcium hydroxideGutta perchaAmalgamZinc oxide eugenolQuestion 17 of 20 18. A permanent incisor with a closed apex is traumatically intruded. What is the treatment of choice?Gradual orthodontic repositioning and conventional endodontic therapySurgical repositioning and conventional endodontic therapyGradual orthodontic repositioning and calcium hydroxide pulpectomySurgical repositioning and calcium hydroxide pulpectomyQuestion 18 of 20 19. Xenophobia isStranger phobiaAnimal phobiaHeight phobiaPeople phobiaQuestion 19 of 20 20. The most appropriate management of a 4mm diameter carious exposure on a vital permanent first molar in a 7 year old isextraction.direct pulp capping. pulpectomy.partial pulpotomy.Question 20 of 20 Loading...