1. Which one of the following is most common iatrogenic effect of acid etching on enamel?Rougher surface if overetchedAll of the aboveFracture or cracking of enamel during debondingLoss of enamel during etchingQuestion 1 of 20 2. Which of the following metals shows the property of twinningCobalt chromiumStainless steelNickel titanium alloyAll of the aboveQuestion 2 of 20 3. Orthodontic elastomerics are made ofPolyurethanesPolysulfidePolyetherAll of the aboveQuestion 3 of 20 4. Alveolar bone grafting in cleft patient is best doneBefore expansion of maxilla & correction of crossbite, but after cuspid eruptionAfter expansion of maxilla & correction of crossbite, & after cuspid eruption.Before expansion of maxilla & correction of crossbite, after cuspid eruptionAfter expansion of maxilla & correction of crossbite, but before cuspid eruptionQuestion 4 of 20 5. The highest 'point in the concavity behind the occipital condyle isBolton pointBasionPorionProsthionQuestion 5 of 20 6. Which of the following wires can't be soldered and welded?Gold wireBeta titaniumStainless steelOptiflex wireQuestion 6 of 20 7. Which of the following soft tissue of oro-facial region mature first:All soft tissue mature simultaneouslyLipPosterior 1/3 of tongueTip of tongueQuestion 7 of 20 8. In a mouth breather, tonicity of upper lip isDecreasedIncreasedSlightly affectedNo changeQuestion 8 of 20 9. Major site of growth of the mandible:BodyRamusCondyleCoronoidQuestion 9 of 20 10. The total eruption path of a first permanent molar is about1.5 cm2.5 cm2 cm3 cmQuestion 10 of 20 11. The best space maintainer to prevent the lingual collapse that often occurs following the early loss of a mandibular primary canine is alingual arch.band and loop space maintainer.distal shoe space maintainer.Nance expansion arch.Question 11 of 20 12. Which of the following muscle fibers are entrapped in case of thick maxillary labial frenum?Orbicularis orisBuccinatorPlatysmaNasoalveolar musclesQuestion 12 of 20 13. Apertognathia means:Deep biteOpen biteIncreased overjetReversed overjetQuestion 13 of 20 14. Concept of lingual orthodontic appliance was introduced byAtkinsonMershonKurzJohnsonQuestion 14 of 20 15. From mixed dentition to permanent dentition, the combined arch length in both the arches:Decreases by 4 mmIncreases by 2 mmDecreases by 6 mmDecreases by 2 mmQuestion 15 of 20 16. Ideal orthodontic tooth movement involvessubcrestal incisions.large forces.undermining resorption.frontal resorption.Question 16 of 20 17. Areas of isolated gingival recession are most frequently seen on teeth that areankylosed.moderately mobile.labially prominent in the arch.nonvital.Question 17 of 20 18. Plane of reference used in transverse direction in WITS analysis:Sella-nasion planePalatal planeFunctional occlusal planeFrankfurt horizontal planeQuestion 18 of 20 19. Hyper active mentalis activity is seen inClass II div 1 malocclusionClass I malocclusionClass III malocclusionClass II div 2 malocclusionQuestion 19 of 20 20. Which is the most stable and the most often used plane for the superimposition of lateral cephalogram for studying the growth of a child?Occlusal planeFrankfort planeMandibular planeS-N planeQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...