1. In complete unilateral cleft palate which of the following is seen:Complete non- fusion of palatal processVomer not fused with palateSeptum not fused with palateBoth not fused with palateQuestion 1 of 20 2. Stationary anchorage in orthodontics means:The abutment tooth is free to tiltEqual and opposite movement in anchor unitUse of opposite arch for anchorageAbutment is not free to tiltQuestion 2 of 20 3. Alveolar bone grafting in cleft patient is best doneBefore expansion of maxilla & correction of crossbite, after cuspid eruptionBefore expansion of maxilla & correction of crossbite, but after cuspid eruptionAfter expansion of maxilla & correction of crossbite, & after cuspid eruption.After expansion of maxilla & correction of crossbite, but before cuspid eruptionQuestion 3 of 20 4. Orthodontic elastomerics are made ofPolyetherPolysulfidePolyurethanesAll of the aboveQuestion 4 of 20 5. Bone remodeling theory of craniofacial growth was given byBrashVan der clawMelvin and SicherJohn hunterQuestion 5 of 20 6. How much force is require to retract a maxillary canine bodily75-100 gms150 gms25 gms25-50 gmsQuestion 6 of 20 7. Thumb sucking is normal upto what age:2 yrs1 yr5 yrs4 yrsQuestion 7 of 20 8. Pendulum appliance is used to:Distalize mandibular molarDistalize mandibular canineDistalize maxillary molarDistalize maxillary canineQuestion 8 of 20 9. With a flush terminal plane, permanent first molars will erupt in:Initially Class III relationInitially Class II relationWill assume a normal relationship immediatelyErupt immediately into an end on relationQuestion 9 of 20 10. Anthropometry isMeasurement of skeletal dimensions on photographsMeasurement of skeletal dimensions on human skeletal remainsMeasurement of skeletal dimensions on Living individualsMeasurement of skeletal dimensions on radiographsQuestion 10 of 20 11. Tanaka Johnson analysis uses width of which teeth to estimate the width of maxillary canine and premolars:Mandibular molarsMaxillary molarsMaxillary incisorsMandibular incisorsQuestion 11 of 20 12. Which of the following is usually used as an etching agent before direct bonding of orthodontic brackets?75-85% unbuffered phosphoric acid10-15% unbuffered phosphoric acid100% unbuffered phosphoric acid35-50% unbuffered phosphoric acidQuestion 12 of 20 13. Catalans appliance is used for:Correction of anterior crossbiteCorrection of deep biteOpen bite correctionCorrection of posterior deep bite.Question 13 of 20 14. Retrusion and protrusion of the mandible cannot be measured by which radiographic cephalometric variable?ANBN-Pog perpendicularFacial axisFacial angleQuestion 14 of 20 15. A strong buttress of bone extending from the zygoma to the alveolar process in the region of the maxillary first molar is calledAlveolar eminenceCanine eminenceMolar eminenceKey ridgeQuestion 15 of 20 16. Australian wire, which is round austenitic wire most commonly used with Begg differential light force technique, is manufactured byCold treated and heat drawnAnnealed and cold drawnSpring drawn and cold treatedHeat treated and cold drawnQuestion 16 of 20 17. Eruption path of posterior maxillary permanent teeth is directed:Downward and labialDownward and distalDownward and mesialDownward and buccalQuestion 17 of 20 18. A graphical form, which compares different wire material and sizes is knows asStress-strain curveIsogramNormogramPhase diagramQuestion 18 of 20 19. Hand wrist radiograph in orthodontics are used to accurately determine:Dental ageSkeletal maturityBoth A and BChronological ageQuestion 19 of 20 20. The following is not an absolute indication for mounting an orthodontic study cast on an articulatorTo record and document any CR-CO discrepancyClass II malocclusion with severe tooth material excess of more than 14mmSurgical treatment planningTo record and document the excursive paths of the mandibleQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...