1. Interceptive orthodontic treatment using appliances to treat the effects of oral habits should


2. Prior to the correction of a one tooth anterior crossbite, the principle factor to consider is the


3. Moyers D type CLASS II malocclusion is


4. Spheno-occipital synchondroses fuses by what age:


5. If the centre of rotation is at the apex of the root, then the orthodontic movement which results is:


6. According to the NORMS of the orthodontic study models, the total height of maxillary n mandibular model should be close to?


7. Retrusion and protrusion of the mandible cannot be measured by which radiographic cephalometric variable?


8. In an 8-year old, the optimum time for treatment of an anterior crossbite of dental origin is


9. Transverse cant of occlusal plane is seen in frontal plane examination. It occurs due to:


10. On Ricketts esthetic plane, the lower lip


11. 12 primary and 12 permanent teeth seen at what age in a child:


12. A tooth undergoing orthodontic tooth movement, the tension side will show:


13. In a mouth breather, tonicity of upper lip is


14. Increased ANB angle signifies:


15. Which orthodontic analysis uses the dimensions of the upper and lower anterior teeth to predict the dimensions of the posterior teeth:


16. The importance of proximal caries in deciduous 1st Molar for an orthodontist is:


17. Inability to produce bilabial sounds properly like /b/ and /p/ along with lisp like sounds is seen in which malocclusion:


18. Best method to retain a corrected maxillary canine rotation:


19. With a flush terminal plane, permanent first molars will erupt in:


20. Class II malocclusion usually presents a _________________ facial profile:


Question 1 of 20