1. In a mouth breather, tonicity of upper lip is No change Decreased Slightly affected Increased 2. Best time to modify growth is: Primary dentition Late mixed dentition Permanent dentition Early mixed dentition 3. Ulnar sesamoid bone calcification starts in 3 months after birth Puberty Birth Prepubertal growth spurt 4. Which type of malocclusion should be corrected as early as possible? Class II Division 1 associated with an anterior open bite. Cross-bite associated with a functional shift of the mandible from initial contact to maximum intercuspation. Anterior open bite associated with a lip or digit sucking habit. Class II Division 2 associated with an increased anterior overbite. 5. 12 primary and 12 permanent teeth seen at what age in a child: 6.5 8.5 11.5 13.5 6. A 9 year old child with developing facial asymmetry and maxillary constriction and unilateral posterior cross bite comes to you for treatment. What will you do? Send for radiographic analysis Wait for eruption of all teeth Refer to orthodontist Start expansion by removable appliance 7. A tongue thrust is most often found in a child with an Angle Class II, division 2 malocclusion. a bimaxillary protrusion. a deep overbite. an anterior open-bite. 8. Everted prominent lips with small mandible indicates: Lower increased facial height Lower decreased facial height Upper decreased facial height Upper increased facial height 9. Pericision is used for retention of corrected: Intrusion Rotation Extrusion Impaction 10. Skeletal deep bite causes: Downward rotation of maxilla Upward rotation of maxilla Downward rotation of mandible No rotation of mandible 11. The most common clinical characteristic of a functional crossbite is severe crowding. arch asymmetry. pain on closure. midline deviation. 12. What is needed so that soft tissues are clearly visible on a lateral cephalometric radiograph? Adjustment in kilovoltage A hard tissue shield Adjustment in milliamperage A soft tissue shield 13. The body of the mandible increases in length to accommodate the permanent second molar by resorption of bone along the anterior border of the ramus and apposition of bone on the posterior border of the ramus. apposition of bone in the condyle. apposition of bone on the alveolar margin and lower border of the body of the mandible. apposition of bone at the symphysis and posterior border of the ramus of the mandible. 14. The most common cause of an anterior cross bite in mixed dentition is: Jaw discrepancy Thumb sucking Prolonged retention of deciduous teeth Premature exfoliation of primary tooth 15. ADA number for orthodontic wire is 25 32 30 28 16. The mechanism of adjustment to maintain the shape and proportions of bone throughout its growth period is called cortical drift. area relocation. translatory growth. remodeling. 17. Dontrix gauze is used to: Measure strength of wire Measure force Measure wire distortion Measure wire deformation 18. Once bone is formed, it grows by: appositional growth only both appositional and interstitial growth interstitial growth only degenerative changes into bony structures 19. Hand wrist radiograph in orthodontics are used to accurately determine: Chronological age Skeletal maturity Dental age Both A and B 20. Angle’s classification of occlusion is based on antero-posterior skeletal relationship of maxilla to mandible. a full complement of teeth. antero-posterior relationship of maxillary and mandibular first permanent molars. vertical relationships in the lower face. Loading … Question 1 of 20