1. In an 8-year old, the optimum time for treatment of an anterior crossbite of dental origin is


2. Normal facial index is:


3. Stationary anchorage in orthodontics means:


4. Angle’s classification of occlusion is based on


5. Which of the following model analysis would be useful in planning extractions tor a 14 year old boy with severe Class II division 1 malocclusion


6. In a case with Class II malocclusion in a growing child, why is deep bite corrected before overjet:


7. In true deep bite freeway space is


8. The highest critical surface tension is for which of the orthodontic brackets


9. Branch of orthodontics concerned with management of teeth in mixed dentition period is called:


10. A 9 year old child with developing facial asymmetry and maxillary constriction and unilateral posterior cross bite comes to you for treatment. What will you do?


11. Overbite is defined as:


12. The point which can be altered by orthodontic tooth movement:


13. A Child with a Unilateral crossbite on closure is most probably suffering from:


14. A 6 year old patient has a larger than average diastema between the maxillary central incisors. The radiographic examination shows a mesiodens. In order to manage the diastema, you should extract the mesiodens


15. A single tooth anterior crossbite found in a 9 year old should


16. Thumb sucking in child leads to change in facial profile (dental and skeletal changes), if the child performs the habit at least for how much time:


17. Ideal orthodontic tooth movement involves


18. Pericision is used for retention of corrected:


19. Transverse cant of occlusal plane is seen in frontal plane examination. It occurs due to:


20. The most appropriate time for surgical treatment of a patient with mandibular prognathism is


Question 1 of 20