1. The best space maintainer to prevent the lingual collapse that often occurs following the early loss of a mandibular primary canine is a


2. Eruption path of posterior maxillary permanent teeth is directed:


3. Which of the following is false concerning a mixed dentition analysis?


4. Prior to the correction of a one tooth anterior crossbite, the principle factor to consider is the


5. A 9 year old child with developing facial asymmetry and maxillary constriction and unilateral posterior cross bite comes to you for treatment. What will you do?


6. Ratio of Upper Anterior Facial Height to Lower Anterior Facial Height Is


7. Baker’s anchorage is also known as


8. Moyers D type CLASS II malocclusion is


9. According to the NORMS of the orthodontic study models, the total height of maxillary n mandibular model should be close to?


10. Appearance of ulnar sesamoid bones in hand occurs:


11. If the centre of rotation is present at the centre of bracket slot orthodontic movement that occurs is


12. Ulnar sesamoid bone calcification starts in


13. The highest critical surface tension is for which of the orthodontic brackets


14. The most likely reason for extracting four first premolars in orthodontics is because of


15. One of the greatest advantages of using extra-oral anchorage is that:


16. During active tooth movement, hyalinization is seen during:


17. In an Angle Class I occlusion, which cusp of which permanent tooth moves between the mesiolingual and distolingual cusps of the mandibular second molar in a working side movement?


18. Maxillary arch increases in length by:


19. In long face individuals, who have excessive lower anterior facial height, the palatal plane is rotated


20. The most appropriate opportunity for orthodontic treatment involving growth manipulation is


Question 1 of 20