1. Most favorable for reinforcement of anchorage is: Conical roots Shifting centre of resistance apically Tooth with intact proximal contacts Tooth out of occlusion 2. There is a difference between girls and boys with respect to the age at which the growth velocity reaches its peak. Girls are one year ahead of boys. Girls are two years ahead of boys Boys are six months ahead of girls. Girls are six months ahead of boys. 3. To prevent mesial drift of a permanent first molar, the ideal time to place a distal extension space maintainer is as soon as the tooth erupts through the gingival tissue. after the permanent second molar has erupted. immediately after extraction of the primary second molar. as soon as the extraction site of the primary second molar has completely healed. 4. Which of the following model analysis would be useful in planning extractions tor a 14 year old boy with severe Class II division 1 malocclusion Bolton’s analysis Fonts analysis Ashley Howe analysis Peck & Peck analysis 5. If moment of couple moment of force MC/MF = 0, then what type of movement occurs: Torque Translation Tipping Bodily 6. The importance of proximal caries in deciduous 1st Molar for an orthodontist is: Flush terminal plane malocclusion Class I Occlusion Loss of arch length RedUcticin in, arch length due to growth of mandible 7. Adolescent age group is defined as: 6 – 10 years 14-20 years 10-14 years 10-18 years 8. What is the most reliable indicator with respect to the timing of treatment for growth modification? Dental age. Skeletal age. Tanner weight chart Chronologic age. 9. Spheno-occipital synchondroses fuses by what age: 3 years 16 years 9 years 13 years 10. Everted prominent lips with small mandible indicates: Upper increased facial height Upper decreased facial height Lower decreased facial height Lower increased facial height 11. Bone remodeling theory of craniofacial growth was given by Melvin and Sicher Van der claw John hunter Brash 12. Which of the following bone is used for estimation of growth in an individual: Cervical vertebra Frontal bone Capitate Clavicle 13. The permanent maxillary canine most commonly erupts after the maxillary second permanent molar. before the maxillary first premolar. before the mandibular permanent canine. before the maxillary second permanent molar. 14. Ideal orthodontic tooth movement involves undermining resorption. subcrestal incisions. frontal resorption. large forces. 15. Which of these is not an absolute indication to mount orthodontic study models on articulator: To record the excursive movements of mandible Surgical planning To see and correct Cr-Co discrepancy Class II case with severe overjet of 14 mm 16. In an Angle Class I occlusion, which cusp of which permanent tooth moves between the mesiolingual and distolingual cusps of the mandibular second molar in a working side movement? Distolingual cusp of the maxillary second molar. Mesiolingual cusp of the maxillary first molar. Mesiolingual cusp of the maxillary second molar. Distolingual cusp of the maxillary first molar. 17. An 8 year old patient with all primary molars still present exhibits a cusp-to-cusp relationship of permanent maxillary and mandibular first molars and good alignment of the lower incisors. The management of this patient should be to place patient on appropriate recall schedule. use a cervical headgear to reposition maxillary molars. refer for orthodontic consultation. disk the distal surfaces of primary mandibular second molars. 18. Pericision is used for retention of corrected: Intrusion Rotation Impaction Extrusion 19. The most common cause of an anterior cross bite in mixed dentition is: Jaw discrepancy Prolonged retention of deciduous teeth Thumb sucking Premature exfoliation of primary tooth 20. Once bone is formed, it grows by: appositional growth only interstitial growth only degenerative changes into bony structures both appositional and interstitial growth Loading … Question 1 of 20