1. Safety valve mechanism for pubertal growth spurt is:


2. Bone remodeling theory of craniofacial growth was given by


3. What is needed so that soft tissues are clearly visible on a lateral cephalometric radiograph?


4. Maximum Lip thickness is seen at what age in males:


5. Adenoids lead to:


6. Serial extraction is indicated in:


7. COGS analysis was given by:


8. Continuous heavy orthodontic forces cause:


9. For which of the following malocclusions is serial extraction most appropriate?


10. A tongue thrust is most often found in a child with


11. Stationary anchorage in orthodontics means:


12. Best time to modify growth is:


13. When force is applied through center of resistance of tooth which of the following occurs:


14. The most significant factor in determining the prognosis of anterior crossbite correction is the


15. Premature loss of a primary maxillary second molar usually produces a malocclusion in the permanent dentition that is characterized by


16. To standardize the magnification during recording of a lateral cephalogram for a child, the position of the sensor/film should be


17. Frankfurt Horizontal plane is widely used in cephalometry. It is called so because


18. In an adult Class II division 1 malocclusion case, what should be done:


19. In the mixed dentition, an end-to-end first permanent molar relationship is indicative of


20. Which of the following metals shows the property of twinning


Question 1 of 20