1. Facial index of 85.6% means: Hypereuryprosopic face Euryprosopic face Mesoprosopic face Leptoprosopic face 2. Which of the following materials is not used as antiflux? Graphite Calcium carbonate in alcohol Rouge Boric acid 3. In a mouth breather, tonicity of upper lip is Increased Decreased No change Slightly affected 4. Which of these is not an absolute indication to mount orthodontic study models on articulator: To record the excursive movements of mandible Surgical planning To see and correct Cr-Co discrepancy Class II case with severe overjet of 14 mm 5. What is the most reliable indicator with respect to the timing of treatment for growth modification? Tanner weight chart Chronologic age. Dental age. Skeletal age. 6. If the centre of rotation is present at the centre of bracket slot orthodontic movement that occurs is Uncontrolled tipping Torquing Controlled tipping Translation 7. Plane of reference used in transverse direction in WITS analysis: Palatal plane Frankfurt horizontal plane Functional occlusal plane Sella-nasion plane 8. Transverse cant of occlusal plane is seen in frontal plane examination. It occurs due to: Alteration in roll of dentition Alteration and abstraction of jaw Change in yaw of dentition Alteration in pitch of dentition 9. According to Simon classification, movement of teeth towards Frankfort plane is called: Protraction Retraction Attraction Abstraction 10. COGS analysis was given by: Burstone and Legan Burstone and Nanda Burstone and Levine Burstone and Merill 11. Skeletal classification of malocclusion was first given by: Angle Salzman Moyers Kratz 12. Collumn angle is increased in Class II Div 1 Class I Class II Div 2 Class III 13. While treating increased anterior overbite while keeping mandibular plane angle same, increase in molar height is compensated by: Absolute extrusion Absolute intrusion Relative extrusion Relative intrusion 14. All of the following are a feature of Complex Tongue Thrust except? Contraction of the circumoral muscles during swallowing. The occlusion of teeth may be poor. The anterior open bite can be diffused or absent. This tongue thrust is characterized by teeth together swallow. 15. Ideal orthodontic tooth movement involves large forces. frontal resorption. undermining resorption. subcrestal incisions. 16. At age 9, a pt needs his tooth #30 extracted due to caries. What is the proper space maintenance treatment? removable partial denture distal shoe on “T” band and loop on “T” no space maintenance is needed 17. Which is the most stable and the most often used plane for the superimposition of lateral cephalogram for studying the growth of a child? S-N plane Occlusal plane Mandibular plane Frankfort plane 18. Which cephalometric angle does not change with treatment Saddle angle ANB SNA SNB 19. In the mixed dentition, an end-to-end first permanent molar relationship is indicative of Angle Class II malocclusion. Angle Class III malocclusion. ideal molar occlusion. normally developing occlusion. 20. Which condition is appropriately treated at an early age? mild crowding of lower permanent incisors deviated midline in the absence of a functional shift two deciduous molars nearly in crossbite posterior crossbite with a functional shift Loading … Question 1 of 20