1. In an Angle Class I occlusion, which cusp of which permanent tooth moves between the mesiolingual and distolingual cusps of the mandibular second molar in a working side movement?


2. Facial profile of a child with a habit of thumb sucking:


3. Seventh key of normal occlusion:


4. Most favorable for reinforcement of anchorage is:


5. While treating increased anterior overbite while keeping mandibular plane angle same, increase in molar height is compensated by:


6. A clinical diagnostic indication of palatal impaction of maxillary permanent canines does NOT include


7. Which of these is most promising soft tissue investigation:


8. Which cephalometric angle does not change with treatment


9. COGS analysis was given by:


10. Which of the following Class II Division 1 malocclusion(s) is/are most likely to be corrected with a cervical headgear?


11. Facial plane is measured from nasion to:


12. Appropriate forces for orthodontic tooth movement are


13. An Angle Class II, division 1 malocclusion can be differentiated from an Angle Class II, division 2 malocclusion based upon the


14. Which of the following muscle fibers are entrapped in case of thick maxillary labial frenum?


15. Which is the most important factor in habits


16. In an 8-year old, the optimum time for treatment of an anterior crossbite of dental origin is


17. Which orthodontic analysis uses the dimensions of the upper and lower anterior teeth to predict the dimensions of the posterior teeth:


18. A patient, when in full intercuspation, shows a right side posterior crossbite and a lower midline that is deviated to the right. At initial contact there are bilateral posterior crossbites and coincident midlines. The most likely cause of this finding is


19. Thumb sucking in child leads to change in facial profile (dental and skeletal changes), if the child performs the habit at least for how much time:


20. Pericision is used for retention of corrected:


Question 1 of 20