1. Facial profile of a child with a habit of thumb sucking:


2. Skeletal deep bite causes:


3. Which of these is rarely seen in primary dentition:


4. an Angle Class I occlusion, the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar occludes with


5. Eruption path of posterior maxillary permanent teeth is directed:


6. When permanent maxillary lateral incisors are congenitally missing, the permanent canine may often erupt:


7. Malocclusion caused by thumb sucking:


8. Orthodontic tooth movement in a patient with concussion, subluxation extrusion and simple crown/root fracture should be postponed by:


9. Xi point is seen in which of the following analysis:


10. Direction of growth of maxilla:


11. Appearance of ulnar sesamoid bones in hand occurs:


12. Foetus develops infantile swallow and suckling by:


13. For planning treatment in a patient with facial asymmetry requiring orthognathic surgery, which of the following is required:


14. A 6 year old patient has a larger than average diastema between the maxillary central incisors. The radiographic examination shows a mesiodens. In order to manage the diastema, you should extract the mesiodens


15. The angle SNA can be used to evaluate the


16. Which is mixed dentition analysis:


17. Apertognathia means:


18. Best method to retain a corrected maxillary canine rotation:


19. A 7 year old child has a badly carious deciduous mandibular first molar that needs removal. What space maintainer will you advise?


20. Safety valve mechanism for pubertal growth spurt is:


Question 1 of 20