1. A clinical diagnostic indication of palatal impaction of maxillary permanent canines does NOT include delayed exfoliation of primary canines. proclined and laterally flared permanent lateral incisors. lack of canine buccal bulges in a 10 year old patient. midline central diastema. 2. Tooth most likely to be displaced in case of mandibular arch crowding is: 1st premolar 1st molar 2nd premolar 2nd molar 3. Eruption path of posterior maxillary permanent teeth is directed: Downward and labial Downward and mesial Downward and buccal Downward and distal 4. All of the following are a feature of Complex Tongue Thrust except? The occlusion of teeth may be poor. The anterior open bite can be diffused or absent. This tongue thrust is characterized by teeth together swallow. Contraction of the circumoral muscles during swallowing. 5. The importance of proximal caries in deciduous 1st Molar for an orthodontist is: RedUcticin in, arch length due to growth of mandible Loss of arch length Flush terminal plane malocclusion Class I Occlusion 6. If the centre of rotation is present at the centre of bracket slot orthodontic movement that occurs is Translation Uncontrolled tipping Controlled tipping Torquing 7. With a flush terminal plane, permanent first molars will erupt in: Initially Class II relation Initially Class III relation Will assume a normal relationship immediately Erupt immediately into an end on relation 8. To produce pure translatory motion in a tooth, what type of force is required Interrupted force Moment of force Continuous force Intermittent force 9. When a simple tipping force is applied to the crown of a single-rooted tooth, the centre of rotation is located within the cervical one third of the root. within the apical half of the root. at the apex. at the cervical line. 10. The body of the mandible increases in length to accommodate the permanent second molar by resorption of bone along the anterior border of the ramus and apposition of bone on the posterior border of the ramus. apposition of bone in the condyle. apposition of bone at the symphysis and posterior border of the ramus of the mandible. apposition of bone on the alveolar margin and lower border of the body of the mandible. 11. Which of the following metals shows the property of twinning Nickel titanium alloy All of the above Stainless steel Cobalt chromium 12. Thumb sucking is normal upto what age: 1 yr 2 yrs 4 yrs 5 yrs 13. Adenoids lead to: Vertical ascent of mandible Vertical ascent of maxilla Vertical descent of maxilla Vertical descent of mandible 14. If moment of couple moment of force MC/MF = 0, then what type of movement occurs: Torque Tipping Translation Bodily 15. A 6 year old patient has a larger than average diastema between the maxillary central incisors. The radiographic examination shows a mesiodens. In order to manage the diastema, you should extract the mesiodens after its complete eruption. once the patient has reached the age of 12. only if it develops into a cystic lesion as soon as possible. 16. Skeletal classification of malocclusion was first given by: Angle Salzman Moyers Kratz 17. In the mixed dentition, an end-to-end first permanent molar relationship is indicative of normally developing occlusion. Angle Class III malocclusion. Angle Class II malocclusion. ideal molar occlusion. 18. Which of the following model analysis would be useful in planning extractions tor a 14 year old boy with severe Class II division 1 malocclusion Ashley Howe analysis Peck & Peck analysis Bolton’s analysis Fonts analysis 19. Premature loss of a primary maxillary second molar usually produces a malocclusion in the permanent dentition that is characterized by an Angle Class III molar relationship on the affected side. delayed eruption of the permanent first molar. an Angle Class II molar relationship on the affected side. labially displaced maxillary canines. 20. In a case with Class II malocclusion in a growing child, why is deep bite corrected before overjet: To achieve faster tooth movement To reduce palatal trauma due to traumatic deep bite To aid in bonding brackets to lower anterior teeth To remove mechanical obstruction in normal mandibular anterior shift Loading … Question 1 of 20