1. A clinical diagnostic indication of palatal impaction of maxillary permanent canines does NOT include


2. Tooth most likely to be displaced in case of mandibular arch crowding is:


3. Eruption path of posterior maxillary permanent teeth is directed:


4. All of the following are a feature of Complex Tongue Thrust except?


5. The importance of proximal caries in deciduous 1st Molar for an orthodontist is:


6. If the centre of rotation is present at the centre of bracket slot orthodontic movement that occurs is


7. With a flush terminal plane, permanent first molars will erupt in:


8. To produce pure translatory motion in a tooth, what type of force is required


9. When a simple tipping force is applied to the crown of a single-rooted tooth, the centre of rotation is located


10. The body of the mandible increases in length to accommodate the permanent second molar by


11. Which of the following metals shows the property of twinning


12. Thumb sucking is normal upto what age:


13. Adenoids lead to:


14. If moment of couple moment of force MC/MF = 0, then what type of movement occurs:


15. A 6 year old patient has a larger than average diastema between the maxillary central incisors. The radiographic examination shows a mesiodens. In order to manage the diastema, you should extract the mesiodens


16. Skeletal classification of malocclusion was first given by:


17. In the mixed dentition, an end-to-end first permanent molar relationship is indicative of


18. Which of the following model analysis would be useful in planning extractions tor a 14 year old boy with severe Class II division 1 malocclusion


19. Premature loss of a primary maxillary second molar usually produces a malocclusion in the permanent dentition that is characterized by


20. In a case with Class II malocclusion in a growing child, why is deep bite corrected before overjet:


Question 1 of 20