1. Of the following Local anesthetics, which has intrinsic vasoconstrictive action?CocaineProcaineXylocaineBupivacaine 2. What is the most common type of mid-facial fracture?LeFort IIZygomaticomaxillary complexZygomatic archNasoorbital ethmoid fractures 3. First clinical sign of lignocaine toxicity of CNS:NervousnessSyncopeVomitingSlurring of speech 4. Term used to denote the diameter of a needle is:DiaGaugeValueDyanomo 5. On administration of LA in an area of infection, it is not effective because of increase inCationsFree baseUncharged baseNone 6. Degree of Diplopia in a patient with maxillofacial injuries is best assessed byHESS chartForced duction testVisual acquity testWhitnall test 7. The tongue receives its blood supply from all of the following exceptTonsillar branch of the facial arteryLingual arteryVertebral arteryAscending pharyngeal artery 8. Cocaine is said to be how many times toxic than procaine:Seven timesTen timesTwenty timesBoth are equally toxic 9. In a Trauma patient with intraoral bleeding, best way to secure airway is:Awake intubationAwake Fiberoptic intubationTracheostomyCricothyrotomy 10. A patient with Ludwig's angina comes to the emergency with signs of difficulty in breathing. The emergency treatment in such a patient would involveIncision and drainageOropharyngeal intubation using fiber optic guidanceTracheostomyCricothyrotomy 11. The proper use of an elevator dictates that the fulcrum be:Interdental papillaAlveolar boneTooth to be removedAdjacent tooth 12. The bone surrounding the impacted third molar is removed to:Identity the crownExpose the bifurcationTo expose cervical lineExpose the height of contour 13. CSF rhinorrhea can be identified by all exceptHigh protein contentHigh glucose contentTramline patternIncreased level of ?-2 transferrin 14. Which combination forms day care anesthesiaFentanyl, propofol, IsofluranePethidine, Propofol, IsofluraneThiopental, pethidine, HalothaneThiopentane, Isoflurane, fentanyl 15. The highest incidence of fractures occurs in:InfantsFemales between the ages 25 and 35Young males between the ages of 15 and 24Older males between the ages of 65 and 75 16. Among the following, the one which least affects the wound healing in the oral cavity:Infection in the areaBlood supply to the areaTension in the sutureSize of the suture given 17. Lidocaine is:Least toxic LA agentOne and one-half times as toxic as procaineTen times as toxic as procaineLeast safest inhalation anesthetic 18. In gillies approach where is the forceps insertedBetween temporalis muscle and boneSuperficial fascia and temporais fasciaTemporalis muscle and fasciaSkin and superficial fascia 19. Gelfoam, used to control bleeding gets absorbed in:1-2 weeks2-3 weeks3-4 weeks4-6 weeks 20. ECG changes can first be observed when level of lignocaine is more than5 - 6 ug/ml10 - l2 ug/ml2 - 4 ug/ml1.2 ug/ml 21. In a hypertensive patient on beta blockers, an injection of Local anesthesia + adrenaline will cause:Tachycardia + hypertensionBradycardia + hypertensionTachycardia + hypotensionBradycardia + hypotension 22. What is the best way to palpate the posterior aspect of the mandibular condyle?IntraorallyExternally over the posterior surface of the condyle with the mouth openThrough the external auditory meatusAny of the above 23. Check point in the reduction of zygoma during management of maxillary Complex fractures is:Symmetry at the infraorbital rimSymmetry at the frontozygomatic suture areaSymmetry of the zygomatic archesAlignment at the zygomatic maxillary buttress area 24. The most common emergency seen after the use of Local anaesthetic during extraction isTrismusToxic reactionSwellingSyncope 25. In the extraoral technifor mandibular nerve block the needle after contacting the pterygoid plate is directedAnteriorlyPosteriorlySuperiorlyInferiorly 26. Which tooth has a root that is NOT consistently innervated by the PSA nerve?The maxillary first molarThe maxillary second molarThe maxillary third molarAll of the above 27. A posterior superior alveolar (PSA) nerve block will provide anesthesia for:The second and third molars along with the mucoperiosteum of the palateThe first and second molars along with the mucoperiosteum of the palateThe first, second, and third molars but not the mucoperiosteum of the palateThe first, second, and third molars along with the mucoperiosteum of the palate 28. Each of the following statements are true except:There is not true barbiturate antagonistNalorphine is narcotic antagonistSuccinylcholine has no antagonistAntagonist binds to receptor to mitigate response 29. Gate control theory of pain is modulated by:B fibersC fibersSubstantia gelatinosaTransmission system of CNS 30. For a patient with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) on dialysis, it is recommended to perform oral surgery:The day before dialysisThe day of dialysisThe day after dialysisTwo days before dialysis 31. Postoperative hypotension is usually due to the effect of:Transfusion reactionsOrotrachealSubmentalLaryngeal mask airway 32. Type of intubation used in cleft palate patients is:Fibre opticA fat embolismThe anesthetic or analgesics on the myocardiumLiver failure 33. Most common bacterium responsible for subacute bacterial endocarditis after dental extraction isStreptococcus mitisStreptococcus salivariusStreptococcus viridiansStreptococcus mutans 34. Lingual split techniinstrument used to cut the tooth isChiesalOsteotomeStraight elevatorSurgical bur 35. The most important factor in bone regeneration is:CalciumBlood cellsSite of fracturePeriosteum 36. Lag screw fixation is an example of:Semi rigid, load bearing fixationRigid, load sharing fixationSemi rigid, load sharing fixationRigid load bearing fixation 37. Best incision for approach to nasoethmoidal suture in a patient with panfacial fractures is:CoronalOpen skySeagullVertical 38. Hayton William forceps is used in:Reduction of maxilla in Le Fort fracturesReduction of mandible in condylar fracturesReduction of mandible in angle fracturesReduction of zygomatic arch in isolated zygomatic fractures 39. The universal sign of laryngeal obstruction is:MydriasisStridor (crowing sounds)SweatingTachycardia 40. Diagnosis of dry socket is done byHistoryClinical examinationRadiographsNone of the above 41. In a patient of TMJ ankylosis requiring gap arthroplasty surgery, which type of tube is indicated for intubation:North pole RAESouth pole RAEPVC coatedTracheostomy tube 42. Apex elevator utilises which principle:LeverWedgePulleyWheel and axle 43. For Vazirani akinoski techninerve block, where is LA deposited:At condyIar neckBuccal spacePterygomandibular spaceLingual to coronoid process 44. Dental care under local anesthesia is usually feasibleMentally retardedAdultsPsychological disorderChildren 45. During prolonged oral surgical operation which of the following is used to secure patent airway?Cuffed nasotracheal tubeNon-cuffed nasotracheal tubeProseal LMATracheostonly 46. Which of the following intravenous Induction agents is the most suitable for day care surgeryMorphineKetaminePropofolDiazepam 47. First Local Anaesthesia to be used clinically wasCocaineBupivacaineProcaneLignocaine 48. All of the following are amide type local anaesthetics except:PrilocaineDibucaineProcaineLidocaine 49. Local anaesthesia acts by:Preventing conduction of nerve impulses across axonsPreventing generation and conduction of nerve impulses across axonPrevent central interpretation of impulse signalReducing level of neurotransmitter at the peripheral nerve endings 50. One of the primary differences between ester-type and amide-type local anesthetics is the:Rate of absorptionExtent of distributionSite of metabolismDuration of action 51. Blade used for abscess drainage:No. 13No. 11No. 12No. 15 52. Volatile liquids require a vaporizer for inhalational administration. Which one additionally requires a heating component to allow delivery at room temperature?EnfluraneHalothaneSevofluraneDesflurane 53. In Winters classification, Red line indicates:Short line easy extractionLonger line easy extractionno effectLonger line difficult extraction 54. How much fluids are given to a patient postoperatively in 24 hours:500 cc1000 cc1500 cc3000 cc 55. Hemorrhage of dental origin are best controlled by:HeatIce.PressureMedicaments 56. Best view for Zygomatic arch fractures:Water's viewTownes projectionPosteroanterior skullSubmentovertex view 57. Pterygoid trismus is caused due to which nerve block:Inferior alveolarLingualPosterior superior alveolarBuccal 58. Most of the fractured mandibular condyle dislocations takes place in:Anteromedial sideAnterolateral sidePosterior medial sidePosterior lateral side 59. DEPTH AT which impacted tooth is located is measured byWhite lineAmber lineRed lineBlack 60. White line in Winter's WAR lines represents:Level of Occlusal planeLevel of crestal Bone level covering the toothPoint of application of the elevatorLevel of Inferior alveolar canal 61. Pupils in syncope appear:DilatedConstrictedPinpoint typeWith no change 62. One of the anatomical structure of value in preventing displacement of simple mandibular fracture isCortical boneMedullary bonePeriosteumSoft tissue 63. LA with vasoconstrictor is contraindicated when:Infection is present in area of injectionPatient has thyrotoxicosisPatient is allergic to anesthesiaAll of the above 64. A diastolic murmur is usually considered:NormalPhysiologicalPathologicalVariable entity 65. In general, barbiturates have the ability to:Produce long-term cortical depressionProvide sedation but no analgesiaProvide sedation and analgesiaBe sedative but not hypnotic 66. Lateral trephination technigiven by Henry Bowdler is used for extraction of:Partially formed maxillary third molarsPartially formed mandibular third molarsPartially formed maxillary caninesPartially formed mandibular canines 67. During inferior alveolar nerve block, the needle is located in:Pterygomandibular spaceMassetric spaceParotid spaceTemporal space 68. Excessive bleeding occurring during oral surgery can be minimized by maintaining the patient atHead upHead downProneSupine 69. Oronasal intubation is not indicated in:Le Fort I fracturesLe Fort II and III fracturesParietal bone fracturesMandibular fractures 70. Best view for horizontally favourable and unfavourable angle fracture:Lateral obliqueOPGPA CephPA towne's view 71. Local anesthetics stop axonal conduction by blocking:Calcium channelsSodium channelsPotassium channelsAll of the above 72. ORF stands forOpen reading frameOncocytic removing fractionOncogenic removing frequencyOIL fraction in blood 73. Ptosis is caused by the lesions in:TroclilearAbducensOculomotorTrigeminal 74. Polyglycolic acid suture is:Absorbable natural sutureAbsorbable synthetic sutureNonabsorbable natural sutureNonabsorbable synthetic suture 75. Most common site of zygomatic arch fracture isZT sutureanterior to itposterior to itNo specific location 76. Osteotomes differ from chisels In that they areSharpSlightly curvedNon bevelledBi-bevelled 77. Most commonly used blade for oral cavity:No. 11No. 15No. 12No.9 78. Angulation of needle during suturing as the needle enters the tissue:45 degrees90 degrees135 degreesAs close to 0 degree as possible 79. Distal part of the impacted third molar is covered by ascending ramus. What is the classificationClass IIType IPosition BDistoangular impaction 80. A general anesthetic should not be used for an elective surgical procedure in a patient with less than:8 gams Hb10 grams Hb12 grams Hb19 grams Hb 81. The propylene glycol in IV valium can cause:cellulitisa unilateral facial paralysisphlebitissyncope 82. Pulse rate in infant is normally:60 beats/min80 beats/min100 beats/min130 beats/min 83. Anaesthetic agent indicated for use in setting of raised intracranial pressure:EnfluraneIsofluraneNitrous oxideSevoflurane 84. The site of action of local anesthetic is onAxioplasmEpineuriumNerve membranePerineurium 85. What are the parts of a local anaesthetic syringe:Hub, shaft, barrelNeedle adaptor, shank, barrelNeedle Adaptor, piston, barrelHub, shaft, rubber depressor 86. Which lymph nodes directly receive lymph from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue (except the tip)?Submental lymph nodesSubmandibular lymph nodesParotid lymph nodesAll of them 87. Gas used for Conscious sedation:N2O + O2N2O + O3N2O + H2N2O + He 88. Simplifying the fracture is done insimple fracture of the mandibleComminuted fracture of the mandiblePanfacial traumaCondylar fracture 89. Increased BP and falling pulse rate depicts:Increased intracranial pressureDecreased intracranial pressureMyeloproliferative disorderPhysiological variable 90. Which of the following are involved in the path for parasympathetic innervation of the parotid glandTrigeminal NerveVagus NerveOtic GanglionPterygopalatine Ganglion 91. The common complication of the local anesthetic prilocaine isAgranulocytosisHepatic dysfunctionMethemoglobinemiaLoss of taste 92. The commonly available most potent topical anaestheticBenzocaneTetracaneMepivacaneProlicane 93. Which is the most potent topical anesthetic:BenzocainePrilocaineMepivacaineTetracaine 94. Local anesthetic agent used in a patient with a history of allergy to LA agents isEtherChloroformMepivacaineDiphenylalanine 95. During an inferior alveolar nerve block injection, the needle passes through the mucous membrane and the buccinator muscle and lies lateral to the:Masseter muscleTemporalis muscleMedial pterygoid muscleLateral pterygoid muscle 96. BEST method of intubation in patient undergoing Rx for oral surgeryLMAArmoured tube or anode endotrachealNasal RAE tubePVC Oro tracheal tube 97. The most common tooth to get Impacted isMandibular II premolarMandibular canineMaxillary II premolarMaxillary canine 98. Guerin fracture isMaxillary fractureMaxillary and zygomatic fractureMaxillary and nasal bone fractureNasal bone fracture only 99. Chances of oroantral communication is maximum during extraction of: Maxillary 2nd premolar2. Mandibular 1st molarMaxillary 1st molarMaxillary 1st premolar 100. In PSA block, which of the following teeth are effectively/completely anesthetized?Maxillary 1st, 2nd and 3rd molarsMaxillary 3rd molars onlyMaxillary 1st and 2nd molars onlyMaxillary 2nd and 3rd molars only Loading...